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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • That’s not how herd immunity works, once the population reaches a certain threshold it all goes to the toilet because not everybody can sustain the same immunity over long periods of time.

    Herd immunity makes it hard for the virus to jump from person to person because the statistics dictate how likely it is for transmission to occur.

    When a large amount of people are immunized it is less likely for it to jump from a newly vaccinated child to an adult that got vaccinated years ago because of the buffers that might exist in between those people.

    When a less than useful amount of people are vaccinated it is more likely that it will just jump to all of the adults with weaker immunity.

    So even if you’re immunized, sometimes that immunity goes away quickly as it did with the COVID vaccine.

    Humanity is reaping what they sowed.

  • flooppoolf@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    All I know is they’re different in the sense that hubiera is more related to you personally and habría is more related to “was there”

    Hubiera echo algo antes de que pasara.

    Habría una posibilidad de haber echo algo?

    Also I’m more familiar with Mexican Spanish and refuse to speak in Spain’s terms

  • I think that this issue is minor enough to be resolved through other agencies, yes. What I think is not always what is best for everyone though, and I understand it’s a bit self centered to think that my opinion should dictate policy lol.

    I just wish things like student debt, bad healthcare under the guise of bleeding edge technology and research, low wages, unemployment, global warming and mass incarceration should be top priority.

    Instead they’re arguing over what an entirely different country with a completely different culture and subculture should be doing to accommodate foreign nationals. Yeah it’s shitty that they’re not being inclusive but it’s a bit selfish, no?

    Am I being an ass? Sure. I just wish we could focus on more emergent local problems rather than start making a mess out of other countries political systems. I think the “world police” concept is rather overplayed and quite annoying to think of when there is bigger stuff happening at home.

  • The word “pensioner” might bring sympathy to those from the those from the UK. All I see is boomer.

    Boomer went to go yell at people throwing a once in a lifetime event, couldn’t bother not being an ass for a night, somehow managed to involve himself in the situation and got served with a big fuck you.

    Why the fuck did he have to involve a 3 year old in the situation for? She could’ve stayed in bed trying to sleep but oh no, woe is fucking me and my family in this foreign nation.

    Other notable events that happened abroad include: boomer talked rude to staff of country that jails/kills people that don’t align with their beliefs. Is immediately jailed.

    The era of being a self righteous dickhead is finally over. If you can’t sleep call the police to handle it, you are absolutely NO ONE to go tell people how you feel cause I guarantee that no one cares.

    The people that wrote the article conflating this with actual human rights abuses are total fucking dickheads. How the fuck does this geriatric bag of dicks get to compare himself to all my gay brothers and sisters vehemently murdered for being who they are, or all the women that have been abused and discarded by those institutions. Have they no shame?