• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Democrats aren’t losing, they’ve over performed in just about every election since 2020. The party has grown more left wing in recent years but obviously work still needs to be done. Virtually every progressive in government will endorse Biden for reelection. There was no significant primary challenge against him.

    If you don’t vote you aren’t participating in an election where you can influence the outcome. In reality the statement you make by sitting out is that you don’t care what happens.

    There are valid criticisms you could make of Biden especially over how he has handled the Gaza war. But pretending that you’re enlightened by not voting and effectively helping Trump is not an effective strategy in the long term.

  • Abortion is already codified in states that are under Democratic control. It is not codified at a federal level because Democrats do not have enough votes in the Senate or House to do that. Packing SCOTUS also would require Senate approval.

    And I didn’t gaslight anybody or say who to vote for. I only asked how Biden contributes to a fascist America and pointed out that the extremism in this country resulted from Trump’s presidency. The damage that Trump did to this country will take generations to fix and Biden doesn’t have the power to fix everything on his own.

  • How is Biden oppressing those groups? We are in this position (bans on healthcare, etc.) because Trump’s three SCOTUS picks overturned Roe v Wade and opened the door for all the insane fascist shit going on right now in the Republican controlled states. A majority of people live in Democratic controlled states that have protections for these groups. Things could get so much worse if Trump is given any more power. His first Presidency already set some parts of the country back over 50 years in terms of women’s rights. He’s also promised to enforce the Comstock Act which would effectively ban abortion nationwide by preventing medical supplies used for abortion related healthcare to be sent in the mail.

  • People who go online on sites like Lemmy to discuss politics are usually strongly in favor of one party over the other. However, not everyone who votes in elections is like that. There are many moderate or swing voters. Presidential elections in particular are decided by a few key swing states. There is also an expectation that the Congress and the Courts could be a check on each other and on the President, so sometimes people vote for a candidate that they don’t fully agree with. Debates aren’t always about which candidate or party has a more agreeable stance on the issues, but rather which issues are the most important.