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Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Yeah, caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors in your brain. Adenosine is a chemical your body produces throughout the day to signal you getting tired. That’s why when you drink coffee, a few hours later you might feel a “crash”, because all of the tiredness comes rushing back into your brain at once

    Like the article suggests, that blocking of adenosine receptors happening too late can mess with your sleep quality, because your body wants to sleep, but your brain can’t because it doesn’t feel tired. So you might end up getting poorer sleep. This could lead to poorer long term memory storage/encoding, because one of the functions of sleep is to take short term memories and store it in your long term memory.

  • So basically the state has been ignoring the need to get funding for maintaining the units (a lot have been condemned) and to get additional staffing to screen applicants

    Mass made a switch from local housing authorities having their own application system to a statewide online version. Ideally it sounds good, however there weren’t enough people to screen through the apps fast enough. And like online job apps, there is a way to “game the system” and loads of people would mark their interest in living everywhere, but would rather live in only one area

    Basically a half-baked solution that the state fails to correct despite the 5-10 years of complaints from those working in the system asking for improvements

  • There is a study out there that says controlling for weight, the shape of the vehicle is another significant factor for the likelihood of survivability of being ran over. Cars have a lower bumper and this allows for adults to roll on to the hood, children also have a higher chance of the same (but not much). SUVs, crossovers, and trucks have higher bumpers which gives them bigger blind spots and when hitting an adult, it’s extremely likely, that the victim is seeing the underside of the vehicle.

    Taking a step back, vehicles have become heavier at a faster rate and this means that a new car today vs a 2000 car of the same model, going the same speed, the new car will deal much, much more damage due to physics. There’s just more mass.

    It’s not even limited to hitting children (because we don’t think of the the children inside or outside of the car), it also affects the roads, parking garage, and bridges that cars use. Heavy vehicles do more damage to the infrastructure than lighter vehicles. EVs are almost always leaving out the fact that they are heavier, and will cause more damage to the road (and children).

    In a perfect world, vehicle registration would be based on usage of the road, but that is difficult to come up with a way to enforce that. I think the next best thing would be to have an exponential/progressive registration fee based on weight. If you purchased a heavier vehicle, you are now responsible for contributing even more money to the roads due to your ludicrous destruction of it.

  • LK-99 is a room temperature superconductor. It’s a big deal, because it means that energy can be transferred with 0 loss and it doesn’t require loads of cooling to maintain that property (unlike “traditional superconductors” that need liquid nitrogen and other cooling to have that property). An analogy would be like if you got paid all of your paycheck all the time instead of having taxes taken out. The money you get paid is energy and the loss is taxes

    There’s controversy that LK-99 can’t be replicated

    Going over to the programming side, sometimes you’ll work on a feature and when others go test it, it doesn’t work. A common excuse heard is “well, it works on my machine”. Docker containers solve that problem by essentially (but not really) making a copy of “my machine” and letting people run the program/feature on that copy

    So the joke is, if the korean researchers were able to create it in their lab environment (their machine), why don’t they just make a copy of their lab and let others use it

    this is a very gross oversimplification, so feel free to suggest any corrections