the best practice is to keep your dhcp pool and reservations from overlapping, but on a home network its usually easier to let a device acquire an ip via dhcp and then create the reservation for that address.
the best practice is to keep your dhcp pool and reservations from overlapping, but on a home network its usually easier to let a device acquire an ip via dhcp and then create the reservation for that address.
i truly hope you’re right. enforcing copyright offenses for downloaders is an absolute waste of everyone’s resources regardless of who pays. piracy is a market force, and the corpos need to just acknowledge that.
ISPs just don’t want to be made to police copyright offenses for free. if the RIAA/MPAA paid them money to aid in enforcement, you can bet they be doing it in a heartbeat.
wow, i thought it would be a while before someone had the chutzpah to out-greed Battlestate Games. I definitely need to stop giving these corporations the benefit of the doubt. but of course, the culprit is Riot.
the problem is that the AI misrepresents those results it’s summarizing. it represents things that were jokes as fact without showing that information in context. i guess if you dont think criticaly about the information you consume this would be handy. i feel like AI is just abstracting both good and bad info in a way that makes discerning which is which more difficult, and whether you find that convenient or not, its just bad for society.
as much as i dislike Ubisoft, i’d really rather Tencent didnt end up owning the whole gaming industry.