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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Yup. My best friend growing up was absolutely brilliant, one of the smartest and most well-rounded people I’ve ever met. And yet, when she was new to driving, and her dad handed her the gas pump to fill up the tank, she started spraying it on the windshield. Somehow, despite surely seeing other people perform this task hundreds of times throughout her life, she got it into her head that the pump is where the “soapy water” comes from. You know, those little reserves of water with the squeegee/sponge combo to clean your windshield? That soapy water. She was convinced that the soapy water lived in the gas pump and started dousing her windshield with gas. The fact that it came out with small bubbles further confirmed to her that it was, indeed, soapy water. Her completely flabbergasted dad losing his mind screaming WHATTHEFUCKAREYOUDOING!!! is what finally clued her in that she might be acting in error. It’s like sometimes when you’re that smart maybe you just don’t have any spare brain cells to understand every day things.

  • At work I’ve been thrust into a support function for some random system (I’m in analytics) and one of the roles I work with is fairly entry level, so lots of younger folk. I have been floored by some of the basic-ass shit I’ve walked them through. (Like explaining that you can copy and paste the url into a browser if the link isn’t clickable for whatever reason. Also had to clarify what url meant–is this not a common term anymore?) I had just assumed that because they’re younger and grew up with the internet, they’d smoke the hell out of me. But I guess interfaces are so streamlined these days many got away with never having to learn basic troubleshooting the same way I did as a millennial.