Oh… and Starbucks is master of tax avoidance
Oh… and Starbucks is master of tax avoidance
Tell me why i don’t like Starbucks…
First… Starbucks killed my beloved “Kaffehaus”-culture in vienna.
Now this.
I bought only one fucking coffee there in my whole live. It’s years ago. And it will be the only one in my live.
@mondoman712 @jaybone
For waving with a brick?
@HiddenLayer5 @UnfortunateDoorHinge
On This thing you can drive up with a car and run it on Rails…
Last i saw a racing-biker with about 40km/h… he had such handlebars where he can lean on it to lie almost on his bike… tipping on his smartphone…
I have always the urge to do a loud scream/shout…
@Pixelphoria @sexy_peach
Yesterday i studied the map from portugal… especially around Porto you find a phenomenon…
Bypass for a Bypass for a Bypass for a Bypass…
A classical example for “one more lane will fix it” and “one more street will fix it too”…
NO! It won’t fix it.
Hä? What? Where?
But… it feels, like fighting against an virtual enemy, because so many people do not see the problemtic of cars…
It is still a bus. And i must vomit in busses…
trams, trains ftw!!!
Bentley vs. Steyr
Nix chocho…
This is a 112 year old electric car
And this is the modern electric train on the same tracks
@hairinmybellybutt trains. We need more trains!
@maegul Once upon a time vienna hat trams for body transports… to the cemetery
@jaypatelani @ByteOnBikes
Please not hydrogen… please!