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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I don’t see why they’d need to occupy anything. Occupation would imply that you wanted to control that area and those people. I think Israel knows occupation would never work and wouldn’t try it. They’ve preferred to wall-off people in enclaves, slowly squeeze all life out of those regions, and when the people they have cornered inevitably violently lash out against their own slow-motion genocide, it’s time to flatten the area with bombs again. Israel calls it “mowing the grass” and I don’t think a massive occupation fits with that strategy. I think they want to break the region, scatter the people, and leave it to rot, not occupy and be forced to manage it into the future indefinitely.

  • It really sucks that the attitude of “how about we don’t support anyone who’s violating international law?” can’t seem to survive a massive terrorist attack, whether we’re talking about 9/11 or these horrible events. I absolutely condemn these unforgivable attacks against innocent civilians, and I absolutely condemn any response to those attacks that violates international law by targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure, or by blockading and starving an entire city. I can see daylight between “we stand with Israel” and “we support any and all actions of the Israeli government and armed forces without caveat” but there’s not much room for that opinion in the immediate aftermath of something like this. The ultimate price needs to paid by those responsible, but the City of Gaza didn’t do this, and the Palestinian people writ large didn’t do this. The trillions of dollars and millions of lives wasted in the 20-year War on Terror that 9/11 kicked off needs to be a cautionary tale, not something we look to repeat. To put it another way, we would not blockade, starve, and invade Texas just because a lot of J6ers and other heavily-armed anti-government militia folks happen to live there - we hunt down those actually responsible for actual crimes with precision and ferocity and bring them to justice. We don’t respond to an attack by punishing the entire geographical area and ethnic population from which that attack may have originated. been there, done that, doesn’t ever work. Didn’t work for the Soviets, didn’t work the Japanese, didn’t work for the US, won’t work here.

  • It’s not easy to lose a case by default for failing to comply with discovery. You have to really work hard for the court to basically say “your conduct is so bad that you’ve forfeited your right to continue making a defense”. But due process is still a process, and if you straight up refuse to fulfill your end of the process, and turn down the many chances to comply with discovery that the judge will give you, then this happens. Alex Jones went down for the same thing in his defamation case. These turds all think they can just buck every system or break any norm that suits them, which is why they always go down for the dumbest simplest shit in these cases like perjury, discovery, and witness tampering.

  • Yeah, it’s much more like a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” thing than a trap. Or a “backed yourself in to a corner” you might say, or, “completely fucked yourself and the prosecutor knows it and is going to use it”. But it’s only setting a trap in the sense that any airtight prosecution tactic based on rules and evidence that leaves the defendant no way out could be called a ‘trap’

  • khepri@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    Well its a good thing no famous or political person has ever been on trial then because obviously no jury on earth could handle that fairly if it ever were to happen. I think voir dire exists mainly to make sure that folks who think like that never make it on to juries. Just because some people couldn’t render an impartial verdict on a politician they had an opinion of doesn’t make it impossible for lawyers and judges to find a jury capable of doing so. People like that exist, and lawyers find them for trials all the time, I promise you.