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JLGS 137


  • 65 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2022


  • My guess is the rabid dog is going to do its rabid best, its going to cause horrible suffering more but, it is just accelerating its own demise, and I’m telling myself that this course of violent self destructive death throes will actually in the long term end up saving more innocent lives across the world.

    Israel is completely fucked and irrational to the point that it can only be described as suicidal. The U.S. is too it just hasn’t entered its unbridled burning madness stage. How could you be the pinpoint of evil on humanity and not be suicidal after all.

  • I think Russia and China both in their own ways have done serious legwork in destabilizing Western hegemony and creating the situation where Palestine for the first time in a very long time actually has a chance to be free forseeably. Without Ukraine destroying Western stocks, morale, exposing their weakness etc, this situation would be going even worse for the Palestinians. I think Russia has stuck its neck out enough, I would like to see both of them supporting Iran as much as possible. Does anybody know if they are? I assume they are, all being a part of the West’s “Axis of Evil” or whatever they call it.

  • I’m sure it’s different everywhere, and I’m more or less a cishet man, but I used Tinder, Bumble, Okcupid, Hinge, Plenty of Fish, Taimi, Tumblr (not a dating app but hey I love crazy women so), and briefly Grindr, all in 2023, and I will say, Hinge at a glance seemed interesting and different, but it quickly became my absolute least favorite app–INCLUDING cesspools like Grindr or scam-filled PoF. It had the most incessant stream of painfully personality-less daddy’s money people I have ever seen. I can’t remember the specifics why but, it was also painfully difficult to match and actually talk to people because of artificial barriers and horrible location matches (recommending me people 500 miles away even when I try to set otherwise).

    Enshittification of everything, paywalls, and our toxic social/dating culture ensures all these apps suck to find love or friendship, but if I had to say the best, my personal recommendation would be Tumblr, Taimi, Okcupid, and Bumble in that order.

    Tumblr is not built to be a dating site but you meet all sorts of amazing people on there consistently. It would take a long time to get the ball rolling and actually finding people though.

    Taimi is touted as a queer website but is very straight friendly too. Many cool people on there. There’s also an actual POC presence as opposed to most other dating apps.

    Okcupid is kind of libby and filled with 30+ year old white artisan hipsters into therapyspeak and ethical non monogamy, but people actually have reading attention spans on there.

    Bumble doesn’t have a distinct flavor but it feels like the least-worst-of-all-worlds.

    Nothing beats vibes and happenstance, but sometimes it happens online, even in these sundowning days, I can attest to that several times over. Best of luck friend.

  • Okay, you probably know more about the nitty gritty of the Romans than I do. I have an honest question, I’m not trying to troll or be stupid or argumentative I’m sincerely asking. Does it matter in its core? Like, is how the Roman Empire run, be it on a micro or macro level, is it functionally that different than the USian Empire? Is it weird to look at the USA as just a modernized, boiled down, truer-to-self version of the je ne sais quoi that was at the bedrock of Roman society. Not just in legislation but down to a psychological and interpersonal level. I’m not accepting that I am asking for a “vibes” answer but I look to hard and soft sciences with equal appreciation.

  • I understand I am using some terms MLs don’t care much for, but I don’t think it’s at all weird to describe, for example, the United States as the spiritual successor to Britain, or the Nazis, or the Romans. This isn’t just “vibes”, this has evidence that can be pointed to, from the enslavement-friendly faux-meritocratic rigid caste system, to the bloody spectacle of the Coliseum, to the long evolution of ideas of Christendom and white supremacy and “Western values.”

    I believe there is an heir to the Romans because the Romans are nigh indistinguishable from modern Western imperialists to me, they behave much the same just in a radically different time period and historical/cultural context. Considering the Romans co-opted Christianity and this imperialized Christianity became the spinal column of Western hegemony, to this day with fascist Evangelicals being the most naked form of the classic US American (contested now with the culty scifi atheists of Silicon Valley). Modern Westerners adore and revere the Romans and all want to be the one who gets to say they are holding the baton passed to them by the Romans. I am sure much more links, both broad and microscopic, could be made the longer one compares the Romans to any modern Western imperialist society.

    Why bother at all? “Know your enemy,” I suppose. I want to not only know my enemy today, I want to understand their lineage, their history, for this is a truly wicked beast that has taken millenia to evolve and develop into the bastard that stands today.