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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I have seen a few… I started work at a young age as an apprenticeship painter for the railways, and when I was 16 I witnessed my first fatality and had to get down onto the track and cover the remainder of her body with a sheet, I saw another lady OD in a waiting door and have her boyfriend put her on the train and jump back off again, but I witnessed the OD… plus a couple of relatives

  • When I was young my Dad bought me some mercury home from work… I loved how it moved when I shook the bottle and the weight of it.

    When I had my own kids I didn’t want it around, so our local council had set up a event where you could dispose of household liquids like old paints and solvents, so I took it down. When I drove up, the guy asked me what I was disposing of so I said mercury. It was bizarre. I was told to stay in the car and a guy came out of a shed in a full hazmat suit with one of those pairs of metal tongs to retrieve it from me.

    I remember Dad telling me that miners used to collect gold pan tailings in mercury and then of a night they would hollow out a potato and put the mercury in, and then put that in the camp fire… it would burn off the mercury and leave a little ingot of gold.

  • I think we are saying the same thing… the noisy ones will be around for either decision… they will be either protesting that it should stay the 26th (if it were to be changed), or protest that it is the 26th as invasion day… the fact that it goes away the day after makes it an easier decision for the government of the day… they just have to wait it out.

    I don’t care which, I don’t celebrate other than enjoying the public holiday. If I could swap it for my birthday off, I would do that :0)