nossa né mano
nossa né mano
Right? She was the best!
He recommended a Nazi book
Stupid nazis already associated their imagem to the frog. These suckers ruins all things they touch. They are reverse Midas
Missing xmpp
Inverte o @linux com o Titulo fazendo favor. Aqui ficou sem titulo.
Que maneiro!
Nunca tentei.
Mas acho que o ponto levantado pelo @nossaquesapao@lemmy.eco.br interessante. Talvez valha a pena ir atrás de um usado só pra testar
My body is ready
Signal HQ is based in the USA. Are you comfortable with it?
And windows shows it for a few seconds, never enough time to pick the phone.
Gnome updates are like god playing dice.
Lol. That’s child playground
Great answer!
My goodness, people complain that this place lacks content. A person as for help which creates content for the site and you come to bash on them?
Come kiddo! You can do better.
KDE team works a lot! 👊
Right? They might even replace GNOME.
Kkkkkkkkk e legal, mas use o fastfetch