• 28 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • They don’t need to run. They don’t need to win. They don’t care about anyone’s loss of rights. They’re the heralds of fascism just as much as the other party. It’s all identity politics. Trump winning means maximum fundraising. In that way, he’s actually a gift to the democratic party. If Biden lives long enough and wins, they will immediately cast the shadow of Trump over the next election as the next existential threat and money will flow again into the party coffers from pearl-clutching liberal donors. When Trump dies, they will have to prop up some “New Trump” since they aren’t going actually undermine capital to create better conditions. idpol is the only thing the democratic party ever does in US “elections”.

  • I agree with the overextension argument. The US did try to negotiate keeping the base, or even relocating it. It seems that soft power failed and they were forced to withdraw or use military intervention. If they did invade/coup Niger, it would require arms transfers they already cannot meet in the other two fronts, and, probably worse, would unravel the US imperialist narratives even faster and weaken their strategic relationships which are already starting to crumble.

    I’m 100% certain the US plans on coming back, but I don’t think the US will ever recover in a way that it would be possible if it stays on the current track.

  • I love the idea of Ukraine, one of the biggest and most corrupt kleptocracies on earth, being “lawful”. Also all 3 “good” alignments are colonial countries responsible for some… ummm… notable genocides. I cannot think of a single way in which Isn’treal is conceivably neutral; likely one of the most polarized “states” to ever exist. 10/10 gamerbrain waste of biomass.

  • In my opinion:

    I’ve always seen Turkey’s NATO membership as a bargaining chip for EU membership. And I think it’s becoming obvious to Erdogan that the EU is collapsing and even if they were given membership, it won’t bring economic prosperity. Erdogan is openly defying US sanctions on Iran, wanting to join BRICS and SCO. The US will not like that at all.

    I agree with you on flexing. I think Erdogan is leveraging NATO in any way he can to get something for Turkey. NATO is a financial burden and dysfunctional mess, which is especially evident now with Ukraine. Turkey has the largest ground force army in NATO and what will that bring if NATO directly engages with Russia? Probably the most deaths out of all NATO nations if he went along with it. If Erdogan wants something better for Turkey, he’ll find it on the other side of the alliance, and I think he’s waking up to that.