I don’t really want a surrender mechanic either because yeah it’s lame and a copout, but I also don’t want to spend 40 minutes being shit on or being useless either?
I don’t know if it’s MMR or something but recently my games have been someone on my team getting massive farm and dozens of kills to the point where it’s a seal clubbing which I have no impact on, or it’s the reverse where even despite coordinating one player is just so heavily fed by 10 minutes there’s no way to catch up.
Ranked isn’t so bad because of the coordination but the slots are limited and awkward if you work full time.
Unranked. It really could just be that because I seem to get less seal clubbings (in both directions) in ranked.
It’s a shame the slots are so limited rn because I really struggle to make time to be online for ranked at all.