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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • After someone pulled a gun on me I would retreat so as not to die. This rather demonstrates the folly of using threats on crazy people as they don’t respond rationally. At least one lesson is don’t use guns as a threat. Retain them as a last resort in case you should actually need to use them and don’t take chances you otherwise wouldn’t.

    If the old fellow had figured either of those out we would have one less corpse and one less prisoner.

    I don’t believe what the old man did is justifiable merely comprehensible. People trying to turn this into Rittenhouse with depends are reaching. We have a scared old men and a drug addict who woke up angry. The homeless man goes to a grave and the old fellow likely goes to jail.

    It’s yet another example of more guns making our whole fucking society worse.

  • Public property means we can all use the sidewalk to get from A to B none of us is empowered to make exclusive use of it by blocking it with our tent, body, or homeless shit. It is perfectly justifiable to ask someone to move and it would have been perfectly justifiable to respond to a flying shoe with an ass kicking or better yet pepper spraying. Proportionality is important. Bringing a gun into it is nuts it immediately escalates it even if you don’t intend to fire. You’ve basically decided its going to be a murder or a suicide.

  • In the past few years I’ve had a homeless fellow break into our home pushing my wife down, had one scream at my wife and push my kid, had one follow my kid being abusive, had a crazy with a broken bottle make stabbing motions towards everyone that passes while giggling. We’ve made do with pepper spray and in my case fists but I can understand a 68 year old dude carrying a gun since he probably can’t physically protect himself. His mistake was believing that having a backup plan made it safe to escalate. This made escalation vastly more likely.


    Under FPTP, the Nazi would be the top candidate in every constituency, and so win 10 out of 10 seats and have total control of the legislature, even though 60% of people voted anti-Nazi. This is the system in the UK and US.

    This description is outrageously wrong regarding the US. Each contest is FPTP but we have many contests centered on geographic regions. Because of this the the breakdown you listed above for the 4 parties ends up with drastically different results based on how these people are distributed geographically. You could see anything from them winning virtual no seats to the majority of seats. You could NEVER win all seat

    Our senate is 2 seats per state with some states having as little as around a half a million people and some having tens of millions. Our house is nominally more democratic but its not truly exactly proportional and its subject to gerrymandering.

    It’s certainly broken enough to potentially practically provide 51% of the power to a party supported by 45% of the people but its not so bad as to provide 100% of control to someone with 40%

  • Building on top of wlroots is still a different scope of problem than writing a window manager for X. Pretending its the same thing doesn’t change the fundamentally different architecture even if it certainly makes it easier.

    Out of all the libraries isn’t recent KDE the only fucking one that supports proper scaling of xwayland windows without turning it into a blurry mess? KDE which nice as it is lacks most of the nice tiling features of i3wm or the per monitor workspaces? Let me rip out and throw away a highly functional Nvidia GPU and come on down!

    Don’t worry in another fucking 10 years all problems will be solved in the meanwhile I’ll just be fucking using non-beta software. Pardon me if I’m a little annoyed. Wayland has been the future for a while now.

  • X has a singular fully functional implementation into which you can slot a wide variety of components. Because everything is a component that slots into the singular X implementation forking has both a low benefit and a high cost.

    Wayland is just a protocol everyone must implement with a semi useless reference implementation that nobody would ever use. Nobody forks Wayland they just implement it as they must the X approach isn’t available.

    It’s apples to oranges. A meaningless comparison. Its more just churn than innovation on the part of desktops.

  • Nvidia appeared fairly buggy as of nvidia 535 and kernel 6.3 with both sway and Plasma 5.27. Notably of all the possible choices for Wayland support ONLY KDE in relatively recent releases supports proper scaling of apps using xwayland which are apt to be a thing for a while now. This is a huge point in KDE’s favor despite loving the idea of an i3 like experience with sway.

    If prior experience bears out plasma 6.0 will be buggy as fuck and 6.2 will be excellent.

    Nouveau has NEVER been a particularly good choice and its primary developer just resigned https://www.phoronix.com/news/Nouveau-Maintainer-Resigns I wouldn’t pin my hopes on it in the future becoming usable. I sure as hell wouldn’t say its a useful choice NOW because you suppose it may become so in the future. I’d rather look at nvidias official open source effort.

    If I had a crystal ball to look in I bet it would say a lot of folks with existing Nvidia hardware are best off sticking with X11 in 2023 but looking again at KDE’s wayland session in 2024.

    Although do bear in mind people using stable distros like Ubuntu/Mint/Debian will be a lot longer seeing new useful features pushed out.

  • Takes 5 minutes to try a live session. Not much more time then you spent on this thread. Less time than you spent on Netflix watching a episode of this or that.

    And now you’ve gone from ‘Install an alternate OS’ to ‘Buy a new computer that supports an alternate OS’.

    This is kind of intellectually dishonest don’t you think? It both ignores the fact that Linux runs on the majority of hardware and invites us to pretend that Linux users are constantly buying random windows machines and hoping they work. It’s nice that Linux supports so much hardware that you can pick a random machine and have it probably work well but if you do decide to use on your PC logically when you do buy a new machine its apt—pun intended—to be something you picked explicitly because it’s supported.

    The question is really just a question of whether the user prefers one environment or the other.