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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Click the windowing mode icon (far left of the icons in the top right) and switch that bad boy to tiled windowing mode. Tiled windows will feel odd for a couple of days, but once you switch back to free-floating windows you’ll realize why I’m recommending tiled.

    Look up the PopOS keyboard shortcuts for moving tiled windows around the desktop and workspaces. It’s a game-changing way to use your computer.

    PopOS has been my daily driver for a year. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

  • From a strategic standpoint, we are fighting a proxy war with one of the world “superpowers” without putting a single American soldier at risk. We are straining the resources of said “superpower”, exposing their military weaknesses, and thus indirectly strengthening our position of military power on the world stage.

    From an economic standpoint, the war being in Ukraine is fantastic for the US military industrial complex. This is a rare case of public support of increased arms production. It’s an opportunity to offload old weapon inventory, and gives manufactures the luxury of honing logistics of new weapon production without the threat of conflict to the United States. Weapon manufacturers currently have live-fire test zone in conflict with a superpower to test old and new weapon systems.

    It’s all red-state, support our troops, big-business war profiteering touted by conservatives for the last two decades safely bottled up on the other side of the world. Why would conservative-minded politicians not support the war?

    Every headline of “We gave $X of new aid to Ukraine” is windfall subsidy for one of the strongest sectors of the US economy - weapons manufacturing.

  • Smash Mouth story time:

    At the ‘height’ of their career, Smash Mouth and Harwell were responsible for one of the funniest and most bizarre concert experiences of my lifetime.

    Smash Mouth performed at Universal Studios during one of the Mardi Gras theme nights. The concert took place at an outdoor stage just after the nightly parade.

    They were terrible. Smash Mouth refused to play either of their one hit wonders, instead they chose to struggle through a bunch of unknown songs. The crowd grew more and more agitated as the set list wore on. Eventually, enough was enough.

    Freshly armed with Mardi Gras beads, the audience switched from booing to hurling the beads at Harwell. It wasn’t just one guy. Beads were flying at the band from all corners of the audience. In defiance, Smash Mouth continued to play whatever shitty song they were on about while actively dodging incoming bead fire.

    Finally, Harwell took a string of beads center-mass. That was it. The crowd emerged victorious. The horrible Smash Mouth music stopped. Harwell ran off stage with the band following close behind. Beads continued to rain in from the crowd as Smash Mouth made their escape.

    But it wasn’t over. Chants of “All-Star” echoed through the audience-turned-angry-mob. The people wanted their pound of flesh, in the form of a early 2000’s radio pop song. Someone backstage convinced Smash Mouth that running away from their fans was a bad look. The band returned several minutes later and angrily performed ‘All-Star’. The beads continued to rain in, and the band played on.

    TLDR: I watched Smash Mouth get pummeled with Mardi Gras beads during a shitty, halfhearted performance.

  • A short story on how something like this happens in the first place:

    A decade ago, give or take, nearby Seminole County, FL public schools created a department (called “Choices”) specifically to desegregate the school population. This was at the behest of the federal government applying pressure on the school board.

    Due to Central Florida’s long history of geographical segregation, Seminole County was one of the most segregated school systems in the country. Even today, some areas within the county randomize school populations to eliminate geographic segregation.

    School systems identify low social-economic status students (referred to as “low-SES”) based off free and reduced lunch applications. To the school systems credit, they provide additional services to low-SES students (ie. partnership programs with ISP’s for free internet) Low-SES students within Seminole Country are primarily located in geographically segregated African-American communities.

    Central Florida has a long history of institutionalized segregation. Hell, I-4, the main highway that bisects Orlando, was routed through African-American communities and around white communities.

    I’ve lived here 30 years. Anecdotally, I think things are getting better. However, we have such a long way to go to undo the social damage caused by our ancestors. It does not surprise me that school officials and teachers in predominantly white geographic locations would do something as stupid as this assembly. Institutional segregation and racism lingers on for generations after those who originally perpetrated it are long dead.

    If you are reading this in the US, civil rights and social equality will be a constant evolutionary struggle throughout your lifetime. No one person can wave a magic wand and repair hundreds of years of racism. Be a kind person. Treat others who think, act, or look different from you with the same respect you have for yourself. Those who perpetrate racist ideals or philosophies should be admonished, and considered to be socially unacceptable.