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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • The mother fucker literally lied about the size of his real-estate (by 3x the amount) something if you or I would do would land us with massive fines if not jail time.

    Do you remember when Donald was saying at rallies to lock up crooked Hillary and then live on TV said he didn’t?

    Seriously you are the problem, Trump will say anything that he thinks you want to hear esp if it saves his ass.

    Trump University, the best education money can buy? What happened? He got unqualified teachers and stole millions from people thinking yeah we can trust Trump, He’s famous!

    You defended him from the beginning saying the allegation require scrutiny.

    Seriously? Guy has a rap sheet so long they couldn’t even fit in 10pt font on the fat fucks suit.

    Anyways, I know this is pointless as you are obviously got nothing more than a wind tunnel for a brain.

  • Tankie

    More generally, a tankie is someone who tends to support “militant opposition to capitalism”, and a more modern online variation, which means “something like ‘a self-proclaimed communist who indulges in conspiracy theories and whose rhetoric is largely performative.’”

    How is asking a simple question suddenly make one an Alex Jones Tankie? Yes there is a implication, but I don’t see a conspiracy theory here.

    Plus Alex Jones target audience aren’t tankies. They are racist, Christian white nationalists

    Once again, please leave your bubble every once in a while