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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • It’s kind of a bummer. Aliens and Bilderbergers and Government Mind Control used to be fun little thought experiments to smoke a J and play what-if with your friends; but you can’t even bring that stuff up anymore without someone thinking you’re serious and bringing up adrenochrome or (((Globalists)))

    This timeline sucks, I want to go back to when everyone knew the X-Files was a TV show and fascists kept their brainrot on AM radio.

  • It’s cute of you to step in to defend your alt account, but you can’t be serious.

    They’re an accelerationist, for whatever reason, they want collapse. The quicker it happens the better, they admitted as much above.

    You’re supposing that Trump is the candidate to do that, I think most of lemmy would agree with you so I’ll cede that point.

    That point ceded, we can agree most of lemmy won’t vote for Trump right? So what would be the point of talking about voting Trump here? It’s far more effective for the accelerationist (who likely isn’t conservative anyway) to be a “leftist” who’s so disgusted with how corrupt and unfair the system is they simply just check out and encourage others to check out as well, “both sides are the same” of course.

    So we’re just making things up whole cloth about people now?

    We’re inferring things, it’s quite a bit different comrade.

  • You need to go take a civics class and stop trying to suppress the leftwing vote. Do you expect anyone to sit down and explain to you how campaigning for issues works? Do you expect us to list every decent win “the left” has gotten the 5 years?

    What have you gotten accomplished? What have you even participated in?

    Just because you sit in a basement unplugged from reality, doomscrolling, doesn’t mean the rest of should sit here and take advice from you. You admit you just want fascism faster.

    Bad-faith, accelerationist, useful idiot. If it weren’t so cliche I’d call you Vlad.

  • The concept of “white” as a race dates back to WW2, at most.

    Wow I’ll make sure to tell all my black friends, I’m sure that’ll endear me to them.

    When the Irish immigrated to the US, they were considered equivalent to black people by Americans and competed for the same jobs.

    Well, this is just completely false, you’re completely disconnected from reality. Irish were never blocked from whites-only schools were they? Irish people were never subject to interracial marriage laws afaik. Were any Irish ever entirely excluded from being able to immigrate to the U.S.? I know it’s popular among certain groups to pretend certain Europeans faced the same disadvantages as formerly enslaved African-Americans but frankly it’s incredibly insulting and tone deaf as fuck.

    Theory is fine you guys but you need to actually go out into the world and interact with people sometimes.