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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • If someone is releasing, say, a western XCom clone and expecting Baldur’s Gate 3 level success, they might have another thing coming… Since it would have a niche audience.

    Like, obviously I’m not talking about games like Baldur’s Gate 3 here, I assumed that was obvious from context but I may not know what Lamplighter’s League is like!

    I was assuming it was more like Hard West, or Wargroove, the Fire Emblem series, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics… there’s a difference between a specific genre and games that are turn-based and require strategy. Hopefully that makes sense.

    Also half of the games you listed are pretty old (10+ years). Yeah, it’s a bit niche. But go off weirdo

    There’s also the Mario + Rabbids series which is still pretty niche if you’re asking me.

  • Not only that, but the insistence on seeing everything as zero-sum is fucking ridiculous.

    “Well we didn’t even take down a massive corporation with an install base of hundreds of millions!! Hmph. Why even bother ☹️”

    How old are these people? Are they for real? Lol

  • Thank you!

    I could keep going, I am here for Trump’s slow miserable downfall. I want him to definitely not be in politics ever again, but I’m currently enjoying watching him get his ass handed to him. Over and over again.

    He’s still facing lots of felonies too. Imagine having to keep going to court, and you’re being photographed all slouching next to the only attorneys who will work with you.

    Not good lawyers, either. He made a choice in 2020 to try to stay in power by any means necessary, which meant aligning himself with Rudy Giuliani and a bunch of other “crazies,” which is literally what Mike Pompeo called them. After that, lawyers wouldn’t go near him, which is why that group is kind of the last Trump lawyers you heard a ton of detail about. Now they change all the time because no one with a name will work with him. Not only does he have several huge cases coming up, he can’t even get good lawyers.

    He already lost this case, that’s why he’s so upset. And he might be coming to terms with the next year or more of his life sitting in court and being told what to do. It’s gotta be kind of a slap in the face. AND to have to go to New York to do it, which he hates now.

    If he doesn’t spend the rest of his life looking miserable in court, he will look miserable honking into a microphone, or next to his very obviously miserable wife. Without good lighting he looks like the melting guy from the end of Robocop.

    I want to watch him be miserable until he dies, and all of this has to be complete hell for a narcissist like him.

  • I would love to see him in jail for this, but hear me out: I want to see him lose everything in New York first… and he didn’t actually break the gag order. Which makes me want to gag saying it, but here we are.

    Trump’s strategy his entire life has been trying to find ways to flout the rules and make money. He thinks he’s “clever” by not paying people he owes and constantly fucking people over; that he’s a good businessman despite all the failures and obvious fraud.

    The gag order specifically states that Trump can’t talk about the Judge’s staff. So he goes around that by going back to attacking the judge himself and the Letitia James… who aren’t covered by any gag order because they’re public officials, not court staff. Trump is once again just toeing the line of what could get him in actual trouble. He is genuinely a piece of shit.

    All that being said, keep in mind that that the overall punishment is currently happening. It may not be Trump in jail, ever, because he’s a turd no one can seem to flush. But just, for a second, imagine a New York without the word Trump plastered on it. It will eat him alive for the rest of his life. And that’s not all that’s happening to him; I don’t think the rest of his life is going to be super fun for him. He seems miserable.

    The dude desperately wanted to be accepted by New York’s elite; his dad owned shitty buildings in Queens (I think, someone can correct me if I’m wrong) so when Donald made it to Manhattan — where the ultra-wealthy live — it was huge for his ego. He’s been riding that ever since, except that high society still knows he’s dumb trash. His insecurity shows in how he acts, what he says, and how he talks about everything being so luxurious. He’s desperate to be accepted by the old world elite, but they despise him.

    And now they’re scrubbing his entire legacy from New York. Not because they hate him, but because he’s very obviously a fraud. I don’t know if there could be a more direct rebuke to his actual “life’s work.” They’re erasing him.

    Edited a typo

  • This is a really interesting conversation! This is actually my favorite kind of art so I might also be able to help explain. Sorry if this is boring, I love modern art and have spent a decent amount of time in a modern art museum as a visitor!

    It’s not about asking yourself how it makes you feel, but more recognizing that art makes you feel something whether you want it to or not.

    The moment you see it and think “I don’t get it.” Or “that’s just smears on a wall,” you are already experiencing the art and feeling something. Even if it’s derision! Or disinterest! It may not be for you, but the trick is realizing you are still feeling something. I think it’s fun to wonder about what I feel or think about an artist’s intent. It adds depth to the art for me.

    One of the main reasons I love art like this is that the artist is often really intentional and, in an unintuitive way, it’s reward looking at them more than once and in 3D. They have texture and oftentimes you can see very clear intent on the artist’s part. The size of the painting makes a difference, what’s around it, etc.

    I also love art that requires more than surface level to understand it. If I’m like “why would someone like this?” it almost attracts me more. I learn what the artist is putting into the art, often emotionally and/or with a lot of thought, and that can make it more meaningful than people who are really good painters painting the Virgin Mary again, you know?

    I could keep going, with examples, but I’ve written a lot. I love art, man.