• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • On the off chance this is a real question, if it’s your first time, don’t install Arch, install Linux Mint. It’s simpler to use and will probably be an easier transition.

    To get it installed, download the ISO image for the latest stable build (22.3 as of this post). You can then use a tool like Rufus (https://rufus.ie/en/) to create a bootable usb.

    Reboot your system with the completed usb and boot from it. If your system automatically starts windows again, note that you may need to press either F2 or F12 when booting up to get a menu that allows you to boot from the usb.

    You’ll be able to try the os before you decide to install it. If you like it and want to install it, you can choose the appropriate option from the os once it’s loaded.

    You can dual-boot windows and Linux Mint if you want to, usually a good option for first time, so you can go back to windows if you need to. I’d recommend using Mint for a while before deciding whether you can move fully over. If all you use your system for is web browsing, viewing media, and gaming (I.e., no MS Office work) you’ll probably be fine to move over full time.

    Also, get your grandson to help you out! :)

  • The most galling part of it all for me is knowing that it’s all political theatre of the worst kind. I feel like we’re all just playing our parts while the unrelenting assholes of the UCP use the cover provided by this misdirection to further their tear down of our health care system and enrichment of their petro-buddies. The maga stuff is a perfect buffet line of sewage from which this government carefully selects their next target to generate more outrage and keep Albertans distracted. Fuckers.

  • Sounds like a great experience! Congrats.

    I switched from full-time windows to full-time Linux with Pop_OS and haven’t looked back. I’m very happy with it and enjoy finding FOSS alternatives to my former go-to apps. So far so good. I’m also keeping an eye on Vanilla OS as that sounds like a very cool project that is headed to beta by summer.

  • I think you could bring it a long way back by hitting the surface with some wd40 and light sanding to remove the surface rust. You could also go over it with a soft wire brush or drill attachment if there is rust inside the etching. I’m not sure how much more rehab it might need after that, other than a resharpening to restore the edge.

    I’d be careful with chemical treatments unless you know how the finish will react. I have very little experience with them, so perhaps someone more knowledgeable will have better advice there.

    Good luck!