• 247 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Yes I definitely assume that. Maybe not every single person since who knows what goes on in people’s heads, but generally we should expect the voters for the two left of center parties to prefer the other left of center one to the right wing one. Particularly since presumably if there was a single party representing those voters it would probably be somewhere in between them ideology-wise.

  • You should check out the article, it’s actually almost the exact opposite of that - libraries are singled out for cuts because mayors know that people really care about them and will freak out, distracting from other issues:

    But according to experts, libraries are often singled out for cuts because mayors know slashing library services will draw public outcry and spur a battle with the City Council — which chips in for library spending from its own discretionary pot of money.

    “Mayors know that the councilmembers will try to restore the cuts because that is something that constituents feel and will complain about,” Moss said.