• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Yes need for sass. SASS!! You ARE showing your age!

    Nostalgia for a TV series that is most likely available for viewing AT THIS VERY MOMENT? That’s like saying you’re feeling nostalgic about The Big Bang Theory! It NEVER went away!

    Maybe you mean nostalgia for the first encounter, like your first kiss? “I remember when I first saw Fringe…and now I’m seeing it on Netflix for the seventh complete run-through of all the seasons.” “Oh, ham and American cheese sandwich, I remember the first time Mom made you for me in 1st grade…”

    How do you get through your day, all misty-eyed like that? Now THAT’S SASS!

  • Our thinking is not that different. There is a world of difference of describing an image and creating it.

    But I have to strongly disagree with the rest of your assessment. Beyond the flood of six-fingered waifu, I’ve seen some beautiful, legitimate works created by this new tool. If you have to use an “ai algo” you’ve already defeated the purpose. It’s illustrations we’re discussing here, not banknotes.

    BTW, do you consider Photoshop/Krita/GIMP artists “scammers”? Blender/Maya/Cinema4D artists? Who are these “actual artists” of which you speak?

    In any case, we’re still in uncharted territory. And personally I’m not crazy about the work in question. It LOOKS (by my “actual artist trained eyes”) AI generated, regardless of the human Photoshop retouching involved.