• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Mm, I think what you’re likely arguing about is super contentious, AND complex. I agree that picking the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil (because it is, it says so right in the phrase!). That isn’t to say you’re necessarily endorsing the second evil, or that youre evil for making the choice. The world is fucked up and complex and no one is perfectly good.

    But yeah I think conversations around voting, especially in the US, are really difficult to have because people are extremely opinionated and none of us REALLY know what would happen if we stopped voting altogether, which makes a lot of people anxiously compelled to do it(such as myself)

  • I don’t think it operated under the assumption that communism is bad. You can’t have a movie about 19th century war/politics without there being politicians demonizing communism, and communists being ambiguous or completely scared at best of openly admitting their affiliations. It’s not realistic for a big Hollywood production to come right out with a big banner that says “CAPITALISM EVIL COMMUNISM GOOD” even if Nolan wanted to.

    Tbh a lot of criticisms that I’ve seen online feel like those making them haven’t even seen the film. Or they really lack nuance, idk.

  • In my perspective, the movie didn’t perpetuate the “this is the lesser of two evils” line of thought at all. Yes, that was expressed but with all of the politicians in the room it would be unrealistic for their to be no dialogue of that sort at all. The tone of the scene, to me, felt like it was a poor excuse, and all the while Oppenheimer is convincing himself that that is the only option, like he leaves his guilt behind until after the damage had been done. I didn’t leave feeling like he was a hero, or feeling bad for him. It showed him living with the shitty choices that he made that’s what he deserved for not being true to his original convictions