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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I think this might want a clean sheet design. At least as I understand it, there are issues with privacy in the fediverse/activitypub vis-a-vis non-public messages. I think it’s also an area where, in order to go the most good, you’d want simple signups and easy engagement (to say nothing of being able to trust that your info has been deleted when you delete it).

    Clearly, I’m here and I value the philosophical underpinnings of the fediverse, but I think it might not be the best fit for dating.

    That said, if you feel like you can solve those problems, you’d be doing a world of good if you’re right.

  • Nonprofit versions of vital social tech. If I had the money sitting around, I’d love to start a nonprofit dating site/app. I met my wife on OKC in 2011 before it got bought up and enshittified. It was great and want heard toward just keeping you engaged (they’re soooooo bad now!). You’d probably have to gatekeep it with a small fee to disincentive bots, but with a relatively small investment, you could create something really useful for folks without preying on anyone’s desperation.

    Signal would be a good model for this sort of thing.

  • Obligatory XKCD for the folks who keep citing the 1st Amendment 🙄:

    If you want to be a hatful person online or in person, there’s nothing stopping you from starting your own little online utopia- VPSs are pretty cheap, after all. You’ll quickly find, however, that you probably attract a large number of assholes and, in all likelihood, either find yourself moderating content or shutting down just like every other “free speech” bastion.

    Which is fine. I’m a firm believer in free speech. If bigots want to have a place to talk to one another, that’s their prerogative and their right. What they don’t have is a right to force others to host or listen to their bullshit, which appears to be what they want.

    Content-based moderation is neither new nor pernicious, folks. So long as those doing it don’t hold a monopoly on the use of force, you remain free to vote with your feet, wallet, eyeballs, and ears.

  • In addition to all of the open source options that have been offered, Davinci Resolve runs well on Linux and has all of the above features (and many, many more). It’s also a buy once keep forever situation rather than a subscription since they make their real money on hardware. OSS it isn’t, but it’s incredibly powerful, has an extensive free (as in beer) edition and beats the hell out of paying a monthly fee.

  • It’s not that I care what they’re made of. Here they’re required to charge 10¢/bag. I would happily take a paper bag. The thing I don’t like is being treated like an extremely petty criminal.

    As an aide though, everything I’ve read supports the conclusion that the bag bans only lead to more waste. IIRC, a generous estimate would mean you need to reuse a bag at least 20x in order to break even on resource usage… Which basically never happens. It’s an excellent example of a feel good solution that sounds good until you run the numbers. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    That said, I’d be perfectly happy to see us eliminate almost all uses of disposable plastics.

  • What on earth would possess folks to replace their often expensive existing peripherals for no benefit? To totally get rid of USB-A a person will either be out a bunch of money or be stuck with having to keep track of adapters for all their devices they can currently just plug in. An industry move to do so would necessitate the creation of a huge amount of e-waste and would net everyone else precisely nothing.

    USB-C is great for mobile devices as it’s small, relatively robust, easier to connect, and does pretty much everything from power deliver to video to connecting any device imaginable. Desktops (and even laptops really) don’t need to place such a premium on port size. Laptops and other mobile devices standardizing on USB-C for power is great. We can charge all our devices from the same charger. Fantastic!

    Making 20+ years of working equipment harder to use and forcing billions of people to buy stuff they don’t need (and that many can’t afford) would be wild.

    Expect to continue seeing USB-A for a long, long time. No need to replace anything with a USB-C version until it breaks (and maybe not even then).

  • This is pretty much how I’m hosting a similar set of services to you. I have a couple of dirt cheap VPSs ($10/yr via racknerd) which serve as public access points. One provides a wireguard tunnel and port forwarding to a mailinabox instance serving mail for my various domains, the other runs a wireguard tunnel and nginx reverse proxy for all my public-facing services. A little fiddly to set up the port forwarding, but it’s been rock solid since I set it up.

    Re: email, it’s not too hard, but it is unforgiving. Mailinabox makes it much, much easier to set up an email server that doesn’t automatically go to spam. Basically though, if you have your SPF, DKIM, DMARC and RDNS set up correctly, your golden. Mailinabox takes care of all of it except RDNS.