3 days agoThat’s good to know, thanks.
That’s good to know, thanks.
Fuck Todd Loewen. He can wrap his ‘amendments’ up in all the disability friendly trappings he wants, anyone who is paying attention knows that all of this is just to stuff his pockets and the pockets of his pals. Save Our Parks!
Hey original poster, can you confirm you aren’t a bee oh tee? You seem to post a lot of links very quickly, and tbh, I am beginning to be very c.onc.erned about some of the activity in Ca.nadian spaces. Thanks for understanding.
Exactly. They’ll pay a fine that is significantly less than the money saved by building half-assed pond retention walls, and go right back to not caring about what happens to the world around them, so long as they get their profits.
And this doesn’t just happen in Africa, either. Remember the one in BC two or three years ago? Ever heard of Elk Valley? And my province’s grifter govt is trying to build more coal mines. If you are in AB and you haven’t called your MLA about that, and protested, and donated, you need to wake up.