•Let's make Windows 10 the last version ever used!
24 days agoLinux is NOT a desktop OS. Ubuntu, Debian, Suse, Fedora are desktop OSses
KDE is a desktop
Linux is a kernel. Linux is Android, Linux is your NAS, the supercomputer where I work at and the servers that make the internet.
Discussing Linux in terms of a desktop OS is moot.
Windows includes FOSS, 99% of “all the small apps” are available in Linux, Mac or Windows.
All the ones that not: Photoshop or MS Office are available on the cloud and way more powerful than their desktop veresions.
You CAN have KDE / Kwin running on Windows.
The Linux community does enough. “We” basically own the internet. If any of us wants a Linux based desktop we install it and use it. The rest can use Android.
OMG, LOL. Yes!
“Do <cut & paste from the MS support, please tell me if it helps” “Ehh, I was asking about something completely unrelated, bro…”
But even that beats the Atlassian forums, LOL