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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Yeah, I think folks here are not giving them enough credit. It wasn’t just some random dude drawing lines for no reason.

    The purpose of a lot of what Britain was doing was to prevent unification into a new Ottoman Empire successor. They intended the internal conflict in the region.

    And it worked at keeping the Middle East busy and Europe safe for the most part (if you don’t count the incalculable death toll having them fighting amongst themselves has caused, and random terrorist attacks).

  • It’s an ok game.

    Had a few plot points in the UC quest line that were cool. I liked that zero g casino fight.

    Inventory management was shit, but that’s pretty common to the creater.

    Base building didn’t really interest me in Fallout 4, and didn’t do much for me here either. The crafting was weird. I don’t like using my combat feats to make better sandwiches.

    The ship customization was cool, but since you are just jumping to your destination it didn’t matter much for my playthrough.

    The proc gen planets were predictably empty feeling. I was worried about that after they said they were putting 1000 in. No way they could hand generate enough content to fill that, which was their strength in The Elder Scrolls.

    I suspect they got caught up in the No Man’s Sky hype and forgot to use their core strengths. Combine this with not enough innovation on their weaknesses and it was mid.

    If they would have done an Expanse scale game, set within our solar system, where you had 2 large terrestrial planets, a number of asteroid bases, and kept their scale in check they may have been able to pull it off. But it felt just too stretched out.

    I think that 7/10 review guy was right.

  • They sell hardware, everything they make is there to want you to purchase the next version of it.

    Their lockin game is on point. I was reading an article about how kids bully other kids who are not using apple products because their icons are another color.

    I think ideally we should all use something that’s open source, e2e encrypted, and platform agnostic, but you are not going to get either Apple or Google on board with that since you can’t really make money off it.

  • stewsters@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlFull power (:
    8 months ago

    I think you are overestimating the value of special forces. We kind of mythologize them with our media, but they are not action heroes. You arnt going to send them into a hostile city where Hamas is not in uniform, planned for the retaliation, had time to prepare, and expect them to come out with low casualties.

    For example of what this looks like with the US, refer to https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mogadishu_(1993)

    Even the US after 9-11 didn’t just send in spec ops after Osama, they went in whole hog. And that was estimated at about 4.5 million casualties all around.

    It sucks, but Hamas isn’t going to start wearing uniforms and abiding by the Geneva convention any time soon.

  • And then you would either need to wait for your satellite to get over the target, or add a lot more weight to maneuver it to the target.

    If you add wings for precision you are adding drag and heat, both sapping from your destructive power.

    If your weapons satellites all start maneuvering to cross your opponents’ cities then they probably would have a bit of a warning that you are planning something, and likely just shoot them down at a much cheaper cost. Anti satellite missiles have been shown to work, and it would be easy to overheat a satellite with lasers.

    You also have to contend with them just nuking you in response. If Moscow were to be destroyed in a single blast they would not wait to determine if it was nukes or something else, they would fire.

  • Well it’s kind of open to interpretation, which may be why they didn’t want to directly say that, just imply it.

    Article 19 of the Geneva convention:

    The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded.

    Now are firing qassam rockets “harmful to the enemy”? Probably.

    Has due warning been given? Maybe? It’s not well defined what that means. Does roof knocking count? Do you need to submit a form to their embassy?

    I think the big problem is that the kind of warfare we are seeing here is unlike what they saw when they wrote those laws.