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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • It does on the surface, but the problem is it quickly devolves into extreme utilitarianism. There are some other issues such as:

    1. How rich is rich enough for EA? Who decides?
    2. How much suffering is it acceptable to cause while getting rich to deliver EA?
    3. Is it better to deal with the problems we have now and in the immediate future, or avoid problems in millions of years that we may or may not accurately be able to predict?
    4. Can you even apply morality and ethics to people that do not exist?
    5. Who decides what has the most value?
    6. It’s a cult.

  • Honestly if it’s web3/crypto related you can generally dismiss it as nonsense.

    Most web3 and crypto projects are set up by two kinds of people:

    • well meaning but deluded programmers who think because they know how to code they can solve social/economic/cultural problems.

    • scamming cunts.

    Sometimes there’s overlap between the two.

    The whole space is basically a cult.

  • I wasn’t expecting anything groundbreaking to be honest, and I was fine with that. And yet, it still underdelivered.

    The opening section where some hotshot explorer just GIVES you his organisation’s only ship and robot has to be the most idiotic and unbelievable moment in gaming narrative history (at least in my experience).

    “Ok… Maybe it gets better.” I thought. It didn’t.

    Most of the quests are just fucking awful and nonsensical - “Oh hi, I’m a top scientist for MAST, we have access to all the latest cutting edge technonology. Oh, apart from WiFi. Sorry can you go and pick up my sensors I placed nearby because I’m fucking lazy? Thanks.” Honestly, I had no words for this one, and it wasn’t the only one. Just laughably dogshit.

    I had some good fun initially exploring and the ship customisation was cool, and I even enjoyed the space combat for a while, but the whole game feels like it was made 20 years ago.

    That’s quite an accomplishment in a way I suppose.

    I don’t think even modding can save it.