one cat’s nip is another cat’s jazz
priorities, but you know how OnlyFans creators be posting to own the discourses #nowplaying
one cat’s nip is another cat’s jazz
elizabeth warren lampoons trump and vance
seems more important that people wanted him to, even if he didn’t, as what a settlement might imply.
is the threat better than the existence of the threat? does threatening mean being constantly present?
since 2008 (the artilect wars) or the third “a.i.” winter?
the gettier problem
ice cream truck driver
the quantum level of description is a luxury:
Conscious intentional communication, which we perhaps too hastily attribute to human beings as a mark of distinction, becomes a limited domain, the only domain where the distinction between desirable and ‘spurious’ uncertainty pertains. We may have to concede that the centrality of human communication, understood as a semantic and culturally saturated information system is, at least in principle, neither the first system in which information processes occur, nor necessarily the most efficient.
quick question: who will be left to avenge ms nina simone?
what i’m trying to understand is the bridge between the quite damning works like Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Myth by John Kelly, R. Scha elsewhere, G. Ryle at advent of the Cognitive Revolution, deriving many of the same points as L. Wittgenstein, and then there’s PMS Hacker, a daunting read, indeed, that bridge between these counter-“a.i.” authors, and the easy think substance that seems to re-emerge every other decade? how is it that there are so many resolutely powerful indictments, and they are all being lost to what seems like a digital dark age? is it that the kool-aid is too good, that the sauce is too powerful, that the propaganda is too well funded? or is this all merely par for the course in the development of a planet that becomes conscious of all its “hyperobjects”?
he’s no brian leiter.