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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • I wish there were dead giveaways. It would be helpful to know if I’m talking to a teen or an adult cuz my attitude in delivering how wrong they were would definitely change. Certainly i can recall some truly boneheaded beliefs i have discarded through the decades so im more forgiving if i know they’re young.

    On the other hand if they’re pretending to be an adult they ostensibly want to have their opinions considered on equal terms, as peers; basically to not be preached to. If that’s their goal then isnt it kinda the point to treat their ideas as if they were offered by one? If we think of it like that, maybe it’s not super important to know someone’s age. It’s definitely helpful of course to know who youre dealing with but the downside of anonymity is also its upside. ideas are ideas no matter how old the brain is what thinks em.

  • Then rather than engaging in an emotional battle, read the content of his statements and judge their veracity as an idea separate from the man. If motive is impossible to discern from the data you have, you need more data, right? At least if you know what it is that he is accusing the govt of, specifically, will help to determine more of the motivations behind his choice, right?

    I’m not saying read them and believe them, but rather cast your critical eye upon his focus, and then perhaps you can poke holes in his conclusions or discern what, if he’s lying, those lies are meant to achieve

  • The important thing for you to consider is if i did, would what i just said be less true? I invite you to consider this, and not in an Internet fight way where we flex our shit talking muscles at each other, but in a “hey, maybe there is a point worthy of debate” kinda way.

    Like id be interested in considering the point that "the messenger does matter. I’m sure there are cases, but they’d be extreme cases to my mind.

  • There’s lots of em, some are in the replies you got before mine. The point isn’t whether you believe them, the point of them is to make you not want to listen to RATM. Hell after 9/11 there was a memo put out asking radio stations not to play certain 'anti establishment songs, but only one band was called out specifically for total blackout. Wanna guess which it was?

    Their message is powerful, and getting more obviously true every day. I dont give a single fuck about whether they for paid for being a successful band, and neither should anyone with a modicum of understanding in the message they speak.

    Regardless, thinking they’re hypocrites isn’t what matters, people are free to think that. The only thing that matters is whether thinking that way stops one from listening to their words, which are true no matter what you think of them. If one decides not to listen don’t because someone said they’re now RWTM, somebody in psyops is happy for their ignorance

  • You’re just like the ones i hear saying RATM went soft. Stop being a dumbass, it’s infectious for some and the rest of us are embarrassed for you.

    This comment isn’t just to get you angry, though it is that too. The second part, here is to tell you that ad hominem is a widely used propaganda method to shut down thought on important topics.

    Does where snowden decides to post his message reduce, at all, the content of that message?

    Easy! No. Not at all.

    So don’t carry water for the ones who silence dissent. It makes you useful to them, and useless to the rest of the world

  • I came here hoping to read more about this worm and its slime guns but no one did much yet so i had to look it up and now I’ve become the commenter i hoped to find? I hope the mildly interested people following after me find this cool:

    The slime is incredible stuff. It leaves the worm’s nozzles as twin streams of sticky liquid. But once it touches the target, it hardens almost immediately into a stiff, hard gel that is neither sticky nor soluble in water. It’s an incredible transformation and for the prey, it’s a fatal one. By ‘milking’ an Australian velvet worm called Euperipatoides rowelli and studying its slime, Haritos has discovered that its properties come from a special type of chaotic protein.

    Chaos Bolt! Man this worm is cool.

    National geographic (2 minute read)