i should be gripping rat

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I want to start by saying: you don’t need to have a link to post to Politics! I think there’s probably a subset of Beeple that prefer that anything politics related stays to that community, so they can filter it out easily if they don’t want to engage with politics. My personal belief is that EVERYONE should be engaged with politics, but I know bad days happen and on those days just seeing Trump’s name can push some people into a deeper spiral.

    But you make a good point. For how conservative and corrupt this court is, it’s surprising that they haven’t been more brazen. In a lot of cases, when they haven’t gone with the more politically-conservative ruling, it seems like they’ve aimed to reject the conservative argument on technical grounds more than anything. That said, they went scorched earth on the biggest rulings that have taken place since 2020, and to me, that says it all. They hear Congress and the President openly questioning their integrity, and they know this will lead to actual reforms of the Court if they let this continue. So they go back in their cave, and go back to making quiet little inconsequential rulings wherever possible. Then, when the bribe check is big enough or the ruling is important enough to the Conservative mission, they’ll come back out swinging with a 6-3 ruling that ruins all of our lives even more.

    But idk. I’m no expert, and it sounds like you are more plugged in to SCOTUS news than I am. Just some of my thoughts.

  • To my knowledge, Denver is one of those cities that is exploding in popularity, so you might find that your rent increases year-over-year faster than you like. I have not lived there, so take my advice on it with a grain of salt.

    For my part, I will say that Minneapolis is a great (and affordable) place to be queer!

  • Taranum, who only has one name and guesses her age at 34, sleeps here with her three daughters. She was recently diagnosed with typhoid, an illnessmore prevalent during heatwaves when water contaminates more easily. She said at the peak of her illness, she felt like she would die. She’s terrified at the thought.

    “I can’t die,” she says. “We are homeless. Who will take care of my daughters?” She shakes her head: “But I can’t complain. Other people have it harder. Two babies died in this heat.”

    Absolutely grim. Homeless single mothers stricken with typhoid that say “I can’t complain because others have it worse.” Remind me again, why are billionaires allowed to exist in a world where this happens?

  • i feel fortunate to have both of my parents still with me. Not sure how far out you are from that loss, but my understanding is that it’s a grief that never leaves you. My best friend lost their dad 5 years ago, and they STILL have enough feelings about it to fill an entire poetry book (after previously filling a separate poetry book in the 2 years immediately after).

    you’re still allowed to be sad about it and have a hard week about it, no matter how long ago it happened <3