• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • I know that I have it and I have struggled just like this my whole life. I recently lost the only job I’ve ever been able to keep because the company sold. I’ve got three weeks before my life starts to crumble.

    I am treated for opioid addiction. No one will help me because of that.

    It’s a fight to get the damn diagnosis. My poor daughter definitely has adhd. They’re trying everything first, and I don’t blame them, especially with my history of addiction. It just sucks.

    She started high school last year, one year after her mother died from breast cancer. She almost didn’t get through the year because she literally can’t focus on anything and never has been able to. Her room looks like a landfill if I don’t go sit in there with her and remind her over and over again that she’s cleaning.

    I’m hoping we get the diagnoses and treatment before school starts or I don’t know what we’re going to do. She’ll end up doing exactly what I did. She’ll drop out.

    I’m going to stress this to the doctor next visit.

  • Me too. God bless the Appalachian mountains.

    I’ve probably met more mouth breathing, lead paint eating morons (myself included. As a matter of fact, at one time I was a t-1000 Liquid Metal mercury from 50 thermometers in my hand moron) than most people will ever encounter in 10 lifetimes. I can count on one hand just how many of those people were truly bad people.

    If I have a visibly heavy load at work, it can be annoying how many people wander up and say, “hey ‘ere buddy. Yew gawn need inny hep wittat? I’ze just checkin’.”

    Open the hood of your car and you can summon an entire neighborhood. For real, need directions in the Appalachians, just stop somewhere with houses, open your hood and spend a few minutes staring at your engine.

  • Ah, yes. I see. My friend, when you serve the one true religion you feeeeel it deep down, as though god is talking through your feelings.

    You can’t just allow people from false religions to galavant around claiming they are part of the one true religion. And, see, since we’re all immortal (at least in the true religion) this world doesn’t matter really, except where religion counts.

    Gaaaaaaah. The whole world filled with people with perfectly good noses, and yet they breathe through their mouths.

  • All I know is that I long for it for some damn reason. As an Appalachian kid with too little to eat, that shit was heaven. I don’t know if it was just because I was hungry, but I was sad to see it go.

    This made me think of something else too.

    My mom used to stop at a gas station, send me in first with a food stamp dollar to buy a .05 cent piece of gum. My brother would do the same thing, then we’d drive down to the next station and do it again. Finally, at the third station we’d come to the car and give my mom the change. Once we were done, she could afford enough gas to go visit my aunt and my cousins.

    Once the EBT card came out that was over for poor folks.

    People would stand outside of gas stations and stop people, “hey bro, I’ll buy you two twelve packs of soda for two bucks. You can get a candy bar too.” They usually end up trespassed. The smart ones would sell the cards for half their value (smart? I know) so they didn’t get banned from stores.

    Working in a gas station in Appalachia I seen a number of people open their wallets and have several EBT cards.

  • My uncle isn’t particularly tech savvy, like, at all. I finally had him good to go on Windows XP. The transition to Windows Vista and then 7 went well enough with minor issues here and there. Big problems started with 10, and now that he’s stuck on 11 he is completely lost.

    I haven’t used it much because I switched everything over to Linux on my end awhile ago.

    I spent over and hour on the phone with him yesterday trying to help him copy and damn file. I had to get him to read every little thing he seen on the screen to make it work and finally realized “show more options” is a thing.

    He said, “I swear to you, copy and paste is gone. All I see is copy as path. What the hell is copy as path?”

    Older users are totally screwed now. I had him good to go by explaining explorer as a file cabinet with a little bit of magic here and there. Now it takes ages to get anything done.

    And getting his printer going the other day over the phone. Good god.

    Some of these changes are absurd and they make absolutely no sense whatsoever. For those of us who grew up on computers we can just growl and figure it out. Why should we have to though?

    I wish I had started him on Mac OS years ago. I really do.

  • AA got it right as far as that goes. Leadership revolves.

    AA would be one of the biggest organized cults on the planet if the founders hadn’t thought of that.

    Now, not everyone can be a leader, and those who can’t won’t generally volunteer. So, what you end up with in a small community is a handful of leaders who don’t agree on everything and therefore represent the needs of the people in the group a lot better.

    Whether we like it or not, positions of leadership tend to happen naturally. As long as we hold sacred the fact that there is no truly central leadership, it shouldn’t devolve into a cult.

    It might just be a part of our nature though. When you enter recovery they give you a list of places to avoid (they gave me one anyway) because the revolving leadership has fallen apart and a single personality has taken over.