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Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • yeah, the idea didn’t take off until the previous generation of doctors died. it’s a fact that often both encourages and discourages me.

    even doctors were too stubborn to accept they may have been wrong about something so important, no matter the evidence. however, even those that are so stubborn that they’ll take it to the grave will eventually be passed up by a new generation who has known of this idea since before they were born. at worst, this kind of stubbornnes is only likely to stall progress for 2 generations.

    still, millions of people died because humans are stubborn.

  • that would be a decent assumption to jump to if you didn’t know the real answer i guess…

    sorceresses in the Witcher were largely discarded children that were sick or disfigured. they eventually use magic to “fix” their bodies. many of them are obsessive about thiz and use magic to be the most beautiful person in the room because of their disfigured past.

    there is very little connection between high birth and being a sorceress in the Witcher. all of the specific examples we hear are of farm peasents being scooped up just to take the burden off their parent’s hands.

    this is a bleak story, many of the sorcerers and sorceresses in it are at Best morally grey. it is not beyond most of them to take that child and experiment on them if they don’t have the aptitude for magic. they are also sterile. much like witchers, they must take in outsiders to propagate.

    unless the show has its own lore or something. IDK i stopped watching after season 2 was completely its own story, unrelated to the books at all.

  • thedirtyknapkin@lemmy.worldtoMemes@sopuli.xyzTactical
    1 month ago

    that’s why i said they were like military pants but short lol

    it’s still the same style of pants and that’s still how they’re described, theses ones are just cut into shorts. military is just the term for the style of pants worn in dress uniforms. it doesn’t mean every pair of pants in that cut are used by the military.

  • it’s both and more. nothing is as simple as a soundbite.

    the people in those states are afraid of “the liberal agenda”. they’re being told that the Democrats are gonna take their meat and force them to eat bugs and lab grown slop. naturally, they’re completely unwilling to ever Even try any of this stuff they hate, but that’s neither here nor there. this constant cycle of fear and outrage gets their votes. who should they vote for? the guy that promises he’ll stop the other guy from force feeding you bugs, or the one that never Even mentions this clearly important election issue?

    this particular fear cycle was likely created and pushed by the beef industry that is large and strong in those states. cattle farming is by far the most environmentally inefficient way to produce protein. it’s like 10x worse than chickens which are like 10x worse than the worst plant. this is a common leftist talking point these days. it’s part of the rhetoric. so the idea that liberals are going to come after beef isn’t entirely just based on media lies. if they go out and try to find opposing ideas they’ll find that the left hates their cows and wants them to become vegan.

    and i mean, there are people on the left who would force that kind of thing on them. look at lemmygrad and the tankies. that’s my key ideological difference with communism. the state shouldn’t force these practices, but i also don’t think it’s realistic to believe that America is anywhere close to ever doing that. the only states that would ever use the law to force someone’s eating habits for cultural reasons are currently using that to ban lab grown meet.

    I, as a leftist in America, genuinely hope that one day lab grown meat will be as cheap, good, and available as regular beef while being more environmentally friendly. i hope that this gets some hardcore beef eaters to realize that flavor is more important than whether something died to make it. lab meat is already outperforming natural steaks in flavor because it’s literally designed to have perfect marbling. if we just let this play its course, we could probably expect many of them to eventually switch over. it may take a generation or two, people are very stubborn, but it could be very good for many things in the long run.

    this sentiment alone is enough to scare conservatives. they don’t even need the media or big beef to scare them. we’re doing that on our own.

    just like ever issue, the reality of it is nuanced and gray. most people aren’t willing to read that much or think that hard about their feelings. they’d prefer a string of tiktoks or political tweets that dumb it all down to one sentence.

    if you ever find yourself saying “it’s not that complicated it’s just…” you probably need to read more into that subject. it’s always at least that complicated.

    edit: lol, literally in this thread someone pointed out another angle that i didn’t. these states are full of people that work in the cattle industry. no one wants to see their town become Detroit.

  • the crazy thing about placebo is just how effective it is. because yes, placebo could do that.

    we have piles of studies that prove beyond a doubt that placebo can measurably and significantly aid in the healing of physical injuries like broken legs. you don’t Even need to believe in it. there’s studies where patients are told they’re being given a placebo that will do nothing, and they STILL got better faster than the group given nothing.

  • dry needing is a different thing. that’s where they electrically simulate the muscles to like hyper massage them. it’s kind of an extreme deep tissue massage. leaves me sore usually.

    it’s not accupuncture, it’s a medical sound practice primarily done by physical therapists.

  • honestly, as good as this may be in the short term, they’ve really just added one more highly Conservative religious state that will vote against the interest of the common good moving forward.

    I strongly support Palestine gaining statehood and for Israel to stop fucking with them (that extends far beyond the war), but that doesn’t mean i like their ideals. i think there’s a strong chance that this will cause problems moving forward and that conservatives will use that as ammunition.

    that said, this is the un finally really kinda doing its job for once. ending global conflict through diplomacy. can’t say that’s a bad thing.