• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Certs are a waste of time tbh. If you have 8 years of experience, you should have more than enough to fill out a resume already.

    An AWS cert is almost certainly even more useless for you specifically unless you wanted to get into devops/sre and do systems design. I have been in sre for a very long time and have never even heard of anyone writing tooling in Java. That section of the industry is entirely dominated by go, python, and (more often than anything else) bash for really quick automation.

  • I think most of the answers here are kinda lame. It’s not easier to deal with networking rules or backups or flakey consumer grade Internet or power outages or redundancy or a lot of other things.

    The only things I find value in self hosting are functional things for the home… A bittorrent client with web front end, plex server, file server for the plex server, a home automation stack, or as a cheap sandbox for testing new software…

    You’d save a lot of time and energy just using web or mobile based apps where appropriate. The day to day reliability of those kind of apps will be better as well.

    If someone is doing this for a hobby, great. Enjoy. It’s not practical for the overwhelming majority of people though. I say this as someone who’s literal job is ensuring reliability of web services… I am more than capable of doing all this but I’m also practical about seeing when it’s a net benefit vs a time/energy suck.

  • Hated Windows. TechTV had a download of day that “works on both Windows and Linux!”

    “I don’t know what Linux is but it can’t be worse that Windows.”

    I’ve been on it ever since. That was 20+ years ago.

    I honestly don’t know how windows works… I only ever used it for about a year and some change when I was a teenager in the 90s.

  • It’s easier to think about Linux on the context of what an individual application needs to run. Pretty much everything you do will have these components.

    • configuration
    • an executable
    • a communication mechanism (dbus, networking, web server, etc)
    • something that decides if the application runs or not (systemd, monit, docker/docker compose, kubernetes scheduler, or you as the user)
    • a way of accepting input (keyboard and mouse, web requests, database queries, etc)
    • a way of delivering an output (logging to unique log files, through syslog, or to stdout/stderr, showing something on a screen, playing a sound, returning a message to the client, etc)
    • storage (optional)
    • some cpu and memory capacity

    That’s really it. If something isn’t working, it’s pretty much exclusively going to fall into one of those categories. What that means is going to vary significantly from app to app but understanding this is how literally everything works makes the troubleshooting process a lot easier.

  • My personal laptop is whatever the first gen Framework is called. After many, many years doing the “cool” distros, I’ve settled on Mint and don’t really have any motivation to do anything else… I have real work I need to do and can’t be bothered to deal with figuring out weird shit. I just need it to work.

    TBH, the only things I use my laptop for anymore is a browser, vim, git, and kubernetes tooling… I barely have any interest in running Linux on a workstation at this point. The only things that really interest me anymore are being run in distributed clusters. Desktop Linux is kinda boring and tedious for me.