Keelah Se’lai.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t mind uniforms, if they weren’t like 3 times the price of regular clothes.
    My school sweater was a blue v-neck. But it had to have the school name and logo on it. So it was £50.
    If they’d just said, v-neck royal blue sweater and let people buy their own from whatever store, that’s fine. We had specific ties too, so if they just said we had to buy the ties from the school but the PE shorts/ netball skirts, football socks, polos and the school sweater should have been able to be purchased from any old store.

    I agree, non-uniform days were hell for me. I was the kid of the working class parent, and the emo/ goth kid. I didn’t own anything that wasn’t fitting of my aesthetic. So I got bullied badly. So I appreciated the uniform. But the prices are the issue. And school that demand girls wear skirts and not trousers, I have a huge issue with that. If girls want to wear trousers, it shouldn’t be an issue. It makes me question whether the people implementing the rules are just sexist, or sexist and pervvy.

  • Public schools here are insane. It’s like £50 for one sweater. And it’s got to have the school name/ logo on it. So you can’t just go and buy a generic sweater the same colour.
    And you’ve got to have at least 2, so when one is getting washed, you’d have one good to go.
    There’s black shoes, not trainers, but smart shoes.
    White shirts. Black pants/ skirts. Specific socks. £15 a tie, which is specifically in school colours so no going out to buy a cheap generic tie.
    Then there’s the PE kit that has to be bought from the school. £20 for shorts. £20 for the polo. £10 for football socks.

    Altogether when you’re done it’s around £300. Which, if you’re generally working class/ out of work, you’re fucked.
    My sweaters faded after half a year, so mum had to buy more. They’d of fit me the entire time, but she had to buy new ones pretty much every 6 months because they just faded in the wash. And that was in the 00s. My mum hates buying uniform for my younger sisters, apparently it’s crazy priced.
    Now schools here are doing blazers too, god knows how much they are.

  • So long as you own their stuff. Since they pulled shit with Bethesda, I’m pretty certain we can see blizz stuff going from playstation. It only mentioned call of duty getting a 10 year promise. No mention of diablo or overwatch.

    So you’ll get to play, if you own a pc or Xbox. Microsoft can’t stand the fact Sony beat them in console sales constantly.

    I’m fully on the, this deal should have been blocked side. They’re monopolising like a toddler hording toys so nobody else can play with them.

  • The rich are taxed. They pay way more than you do. They pay way more than the non rich people combined. The top 10 rich people pay more taxes than all the non rich people. So don’t come at me about taxes. Your tax contribution is basically nothing. Whereas they pay insane amounts.

    In my country. You pay 40% tax if you earn over 100k a year. Which isn’t even rich, but you basically give up nearly half your wage you work fkn hard for. So don’t try pull the tax bullshit.

  • Miss me with youtube, I’m not giving them clicks.

    I honestly dont care either. I get sick of people telling others how they should live and what they should do with their own money. Be happy they donated 10 mil. That can do a lot of good.

    If people are willing to tell others how to spend their own money, they should also accept others telling them how to use their money too.

    Its like the free speech bullshit. People think it’s fine to police others speech just because they don’t like what they’re saying, but if someone tried to police their speech they get butthurt. Stop trying to police people and just be happy when someone does something good.

  • I feel you. Me too.

    That’s why it’s good that people are donating to funds like these. Celebs donate big amounts. Even if it’s less that 1% of their worth. Who cares? It’s 10mil, that’s a lot of money and can do a lot of good.

    My point was, I notice the people who screech about celebs not donating enough either don’t donate themselves or wouldn’t even consider donating the percentage of their money that they feel these people should be donating. It’s hypocritical.

    The rock is a good person, he’s worked to get where he is. He’s entitled to his money just like every other Tom, dick and harry is.

    As much as I dislike shitty rich people, looking at you Elon, it’s still their money. And if we screech about how they should spend their money, it’s only fair that we can then be told how to use ours too. Would it be nice if people like him used money for good, yes of course. But end of the day, it’s their money to do with as they choose. And even a donation that isn’t huge to them, is huge to others in need. So it shouldn’t be complained about. It should be seen as good.

  • That’s exactly what it is, control and surveillance. They don’t like that the public have stuff that isn’t accessable. I wonder if they’ll complain when they realise it’ll be harder for them to hide their shadiness if they get rid of E2EE. Then again, they know they’re shady, so it feels like a case of, we’re shady so you must be too. So now we want to see everything you do so we can watch and control you better.

    It’s not about the children, governments pull the children or terrorism card because people see those words and don’t think to look deeper, cause if you go against the policy you must hate children and want the country to burn!

  • COVID is still a pretty new thing. The whole shit storm was only 3 years ago. Flu has been around for fkn ages now, so it’s just a common thing. Where we can predict mutations and how they’ll effect people and spread. So it’s not really a concern, it’s just get your flu jab this year.

    Whereas we’re still researching COVID and learning about it. The mutations are different with different effects.

    Until it hits normality like flu, and predictability like flu, it’s good to keep people in the know.

    I’m thankful it’s still being reported about. As someone with a disability that weakens my immune system, I’m glad to see new vaccines or research into it. I got Omicron, thankfully I’d been vaccinated, cause even with the vaccine it sucked for me. And there was some weird AF symptoms, like the air just smelled like cheese, that one really threw me off. But had I not been vaccinated, who knows just how bad it would have gotten.

    And then there’s long COVID, we don’t get long flu. COVID had an effect on my disability and I’ve felt worse since getting it.

    So it’s not just as easy as saying but the flu. They’re two different things with different effects and predictability levels and research done into them. So instead of complaining that there’s still stuff being written about it, be thankful it’s being taken seriously so it can eventually just be a background thing that’s akin to flu.