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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The fade should be slow and subtle. At first the client thinks they are just imagining it, but then they start getting customer support calls about the site being faded, and their bosses are pointing it out too in meetings, and as it happens more and more the panic really begins to set in.

    Finally they reach out to you in a desperation when there’s barely anything left of the site and ask you to urgently fix the problem, and you just shrug your shoulders sympathetically and explain it’s happening because they haven’t paid - but not like in a way that suggests you are doing it on purpose, but a way where it’s simply an unavoidable natural consequence, like if you didn’t pay your electricity bill your power would get cut and the site is slowly “dying” and fading away because of that.

    They’d pay so fast.

  • tiramichu@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonesmall penis rule
    4 days ago

    Oh, absolutely. My line to the court was rather dramatised for effect :)

    What you’d really argue is that since your penis size is not public knowledge, then no matter whether your actual penis is big or small, the writer’s description has no bearing on the ability of the public to recognise the person being defamed as clearly you. Therefore, the accuracy or inaccuracy of the size described in writing can be simply dismissed as immaterial, with no need to inspect your pants for the truth.

  • tiramichu@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonesmall penis rule
    5 days ago

    Not only those points, but there’s another obvious reason it couldn’t work, too.

    For any libel case to be successful, the key premise is clearly to show “This person described in writing is obviously meant to be me”

    Unless you are someone whose penis size is public knowledge, then describing it as big or small doesn’t contradict other identifying details because nobody knows how big it really is.

    So you can safely say “I actually have an enormous penis, your honour, but the defendant, the writer, was likely unaware of this”

  • Yes - by most definitions. It’s powered by user-generated content and is based on interaction between users through engagement with that content, which is voted and scored.

    There is a difference which I personally feel makes reddit less harmful than other social media, however, which is the algorithm - or lack of it.

    In most social media, the algorithm exists to continually serve people the exact content they engage with in a constant feed, which is IMO the most socially damaging part of social media because it creates endless doomscrolling, toxic echo chambers, promotion of sponsored contebt and a whole raft of psychological problems in users.

    The Lemmy homefeed is more organic, and scrolling through ‘all’ you see content genuinely from everywhere, in a less curated way based on upvotes, not individual algorithmic tailoring. And that’s maybe not as “engaging” but it’s far less damaging.

  • It’s good practice to run the deployment pipeline on a different server from the application host(s) so that the deployment instances can be kept private, unlike the public app hosts, and therefore can be better protected from external bad actors. It is also good practice because this separation of concerns means the deployment pipeline survives even if the app servers need to be torn down and reprovisioned.

    Of course you will need some kind of agent running on the app servers to be able to receive the files, but that might be as simple as an SSH session for file transfer.

  • That’s probably okay. There’s some level of pragmatism, depending on the sort of project you’re working on.

    If it’s a big app with lots of users, you should use automation because it helps reliability.

    If there are lots of developers, you should use automation because it helps keep everyone organised and avoids human mistakes.

    But if it’s a small thing with a few devs, or especially a personal project, it might be easier to do without :)

  • Sure, but having a hands-off pipeline for it which runs automatically is where the value is at.

    Means that there’s predictability and control in what is being done, and once the pipeline is built it’s as easy as a single button press to release.

    How many times when doing it manually have you been lime “Oh shit, I just FTPd the WRONG STUFF up to production!” - I know I have. Or even worse you do that and don’t notice you did it.

    Automation takes a lot of the risk out.

  • I’m sure there’s nothing wrong with the program at all =)

    Modern webapp deployment approach is typically to have an automated continuous build and deployment pipeline triggered from source control, which deploys into a staging environment for testing, and then promotes the same precise tested artifacts to production. Probably all in the cloud too.

    Compared to that, manually FTPing the files up to the server seems ridiculously antiquated, but it’s what we were all doing not so long ago.

  • Sure, I was there then. I was on Facebook right in the beginning, when you needed a university email address to even sign up.

    So that’s true, but it’s also true to say that early Facebook wasn’t the same as modern Facebook. Early Facebook was - as the name suggested, a place to connect with friends, share pictures and plan events. You’d probably check it once a day to see what was happening, but that was it. And your home feed would be a direct and unfiltered view of what all your friends posted, in the order they posted it, without bias. And you could easily catch up on everything that had happened and then you were finished.

    It’s the birth of the algorithm and infinitely scrollable tailored content feeds that really defines what social media has become.

    This and mobile Internet have really gone hand-in-hand. The algorithm has made us want to be scrolling all the time, and mobile Internet has made it possible .

  • I don’t think anyone would claim that literally going outside is gonna fix anyone’s life, or cure this broken-ass world we live in.

    But the sentiment isn’t wrong.

    It means: Take some time for yourself. Enjoy the small things. Exercise. Feel the sun on your face. Leave your phone in your pocket, and stop doomscrolling. See the world in your own terms, not the terms others want to force upon you.

    It helps. You can’t change the whole world, but you can change yourself.