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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • What we see now are the ancient roots. Before the continental colision, there was a sea and subduction zone. This gave us sandstones, diorite, and granite… All of which were crushed at incredible pressure and temperature by the continental collision. At the deep roots of the mountains, this transformed the rock into gneiss, marble, and other extremely hard rock. Additionally, the forces were so great that the very bottom melted and became fresh granite.

    All of these stones are very hard and resistant to erosion, and are what we see todayas the Appalachians

  • Its indirectly gravity. The taller the mountain, the more eroding force can be pleced on it. Water travels faster and therefore cuts deeper.

    Everest is still uplifting fairly quickly at 1mm a year, but its also eroding at roughly the same pace and won’t get significantly taller than it is now. The same is true for the rest of the Himalaya as well, the whole range is eroding at a very high pace.

    The Himalaya are home to some very spectacular canyons, including the largest canyon above water. The geology there is on full display and incredible.

  • One nit, pangea wasn’t the first supercontinent, we know of at least two, maybe three before it. The stone of the Adirondak mountains was formed as part of the Grenville mountains, which were built by a suprecontinent 1.5 billion years ago (the adirondaks got tall be’ause of a much more recent, unrelated thing, but their stone is very old). The Grenville runs from Hudson Bay to Texas

  • Lenin ordered the Red Terror. The main difference between him and Stalin when it comes to willingness to use state violence was the size of the state. His solution to political decent was mass executions. While it was announced as a class war on the bourgeoisie, it began with a massacreof sociallists. In addition to kulaks and white army afficers, it targeted the former bolshenik allies Left Socialists, anarchists, and striking workers. The Red Terror featured the creation of the gulags and concentration camps, hostage taking, and torture.

  • Ok, heres my run down:

    Nix is a package manager with the goal of making it so that when you install a package at a version, you always get the same thing.

    But isn’t that how all package managers work? Not at all. Most software requires other software to work (dependancies). Those dependencies also have dependencies, and so on. If a version of the dependency changes between installs, your package works differently. So Nix forces the package to specify what version of the dependency to use.

    But version numbers are pretty wishy-washy, so nix actually requires git commits. This is good, since it turns out, the compiler and libraries used to build the software are dependencies, too. Building with a different compiler can change the way the package works. So Nix forces the package to specify how to build it also.

    So Nix is a package manager where each version of a package is built against a known compiler, and comes bundled with a known set of dependencies.

    This allows some cool things, like generations. Change your list of installed packages (or configuratian, it handles that too), nix can save the old config and instantly go back to it. No more bricked linux install (if it can get past the bootloader). Also lets you do os-level per-directory installs. Have two projects that each need a different version of c compiler or postgres? Nix makes that easy. Want to make sure all dev machines in your project have the same python version? Just check in the config.

  • ‘legitimate government’ isn’t really a thing. Many recognized countries are ruled by hereditary governments, or by autocrats who gained power in a coup. The legitimacy of such governments, andthe nationhood of the states, is recognized by other countries based on the foreign policy (mostly self interest) of those other countries. So, if you want to guess who would recognize a Gaza nation with Hamas as the ruling clique, ask yourself what governments would benifit from doing that.