No it fucking isnt, the Jefferson crap is located in the economically depressed mountains of NorCal, when the logging industry imploded they were left behind. They dont produce much food of any note.
No it fucking isnt, the Jefferson crap is located in the economically depressed mountains of NorCal, when the logging industry imploded they were left behind. They dont produce much food of any note.
I wish he would add pervitin to his cocktail of drugs so that at the very least he would be time period accurate to his Nazi beliefs. I kinda doubt the Nazis would approve of horse tranquilizer, they wanted meth.
His brain is probably fucked from the amount of ketamine he has used. When rich bastards like musk use drugs its never a normal amount of too much its usually a how the fuck are you still alive amount.
They can be thicker meaning it may be easier to produce them out of materials like bio plastics.
The specifics are but there is more than enough evidence to say the lowland Hebrews kept getting invaded and occupied. Though the ones in the highlands had a better time, mostly cause invading highlands is annoying at best a fucking nightmare at worst.
Perhaps the solution is with the lids and not the straws?
Their militarism is largely rhetoric and would at worst be an annoyance. As for the military they pull folks from all over the country many pf said peoples would have an incentive to desert and join up with said home region. Thats not even getting into the fact that the military would all of a sudden have a bunch of their logistics rat fucked and their supply depots and suppliers in question. To put it lightly at best the military would end up paralyzed at least for a bit in the event of a civil war, at worst total collapse of capabilities.
As for your point of non violence, I simply disagree on a baseline. Trump has broken the social contract him and any dumb enough to fight for him simply deserve death. This is a matter of principles to me, I consider the wrongdoing worthy of the death penalty and think it needs to be followed through. Combine that with the fact im a Californian nationalist and ya get a rather volatile mix.
A necessary action is often times an unwanted one. We have already crossed the point where non-violent solutions were useful, they are little more than half measures. Perhaps we might get lucky, but as Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus once said " Hope for peace prepare for war"
Edit: unwanted not unwarranted fucken auto correct
Yep, raise up militia and rally the national guard of the invaded states. Makes the statement more direct as well as being more effective overall, also harder to spin as being random murders.
Well at least with the old testament they kinda were the underdogs, the ancient Hebrews kept getting invaded and occupied. Going back to when they were still just another breed of Canaanite during the bronze age all the way to the fucking Romans, hell given the context that many Palestinians are in fact the Hebrews who never left its still going on.
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He looks like one of those rich kids who gets the shit beat out of him after pissing off the local Rednecks and Mexicans.
Perhaps he is scared he may be Luigi’d and that person would get carte blanche via jury?
Yeah ive met quite a few stroke victims, it can range wildly in effects from my grandmother who just lost hearing function in one ear to people whos personality and basic human functionality is destroyed. It is terrifying concept to have something do that type of damage to folks.
As an Inland Imperial from the regions hairy ass crack I have nothing but respect from anti Trump protesters. Though ive been staying home since denying commerce is the best I can do, definitely isnt combining with the fact that my 2001 3 cylinder Toyota Tacoma is borderline out of gas. Nope, definitely not.
Id argue that the 200 year count down would start when power projection becomes a big thing sincw that is what defines a super power. The war of 1812 was argueably when that power projection started, its been about 200 years.
To defend Chamberlain he didnt think Britain was capable of fighting a war at that time. He started Britains rearmament that allowed the fuck up at Dunkirk, but just cause ya give folks guns doesnt mean they know how to use them.
All empires crumble even the ones with the strongest bases such as Rome fell inevitably, and let me make this clear The United States is no Rome.
No its pretty exclusive to NorCal, also there isnt too much going on along the California Nevada border agriculturally. Not to say theres nothing just that it pales compared to the Central Valley.