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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • They help me push past my executive disfunction, most importantly, but also to stay focused and on task. They also kind of act as a ritual that starts a “Get it done” mindset, like taking my pill sets my intention for the day.

    I had to go off my meds for a few months, and while my habits were harder to do, they weren’t impossible like they felt before I had built them. I was able to rely on habit muscle memory.

  • This was literally my husband’s objection to getting medicated 😂 It helped his anxiety, then he didn’t have the anxiety to get stuff done, so he thought he should just not be medicated cuz he was terrified he wouldn’t have the ability anymore without the anxiety.

    Lucky for him I went through the same thing with my meds, but my answer was, “Use the medication to build good habits.” Which is the great wisdom I passed on to him (which I probably picked up from lurking ADHD spaces before my (and his) diagnosis).

  • In the context of protecting my kid from trauma (gun violence), my primary issue with a solution would yes, be the likelihood of the solution just causing a different kind of trauma.

    You, however, seem to think it’s my only objection to the idea of standing over my kid with a gun. It’s not. I wasn’t trying to write a treatise on guns or gun violence, I was reaching out for human connection in a moment of fear and tears. And your response was to accuse me and all Americans of not being able to fathom a solution to problem without bringing a gun into it. Thanks, I found your reply super helpful in that moment. I’m all better now.

  • You thought that was my first instinct? I felt like my first instinct was clearly to keep my kid home forever.

    It was a rhetorical question, meant to highlight the insanity of the situation and the lack of options parents face just trying to let their kids be kids in safety. Bringing a gun to playtime would clearly be absurd, as would keeping my daughter inside, but you didn’t feel the need to call out Americans for constantly wanting to lock up their daughters. For that one you understood irony.

    My country is a fucking mess, I’m clearly already upset about it. We could even have agreed about it! But you had to read what I wrote in the weirdest, American hating way possible.