Let me get this straight, if someone gave me a database of SSN and such is okay because it doesn’t put the people in the database at immediate risk? Lol okay
Let me get this straight, if someone gave me a database of SSN and such is okay because it doesn’t put the people in the database at immediate risk? Lol okay
Would SCOTUS make an example of the wealthiest man in order to preserve their own relevance? 🤔
Reporting her as a woman has a non-zero chance of getting reviewed.
What makes a theater performance meaningless is when the audience doesn’t appreciate what is being said.
Him calling the GOP weird was not a gaffe but the campaign made him walk away from that language because it might offend potential turncoats. The fact he is internalizing the criticism worries me.
Billionaires are often referred to as dragons because they horde wealth. A Guillotine that could know the difference and decide to only harm billionaires would be a technological marvel.
Real AGI is a Guillotine that only removes the heads of dragons.
Looks like the executive branch is raising funds without Congress…
The answer to the second is it makes him more powerful. Sure, the USA would have more power if he didn’t, but he is not the USA.
This. The Judicial system in a liberal democracy serves to depoliticize outcomes. This is currently repurposed to depoliticize a fascist takeover.
The people who believe in the institutions the most are blinded into not acting to save those institutions, believing that it will not succumb to tyranny.
Translation: we can’t get the billionaires back on our side, they’ve gone all in with the new regime.
What’s the point of saving a tree whose fruits are unpopular and the nutrition is lacking? It is common to fell trees that are past their fruiting prime to make way for a younger crop.
Maybe this is why we shouldn’t have AI write articles. Does the drone have a solar panel on the other end of the cable?
The executive branch is spending money in ways Congress hasn’t approved, so it would make sense for Congress to make that an issue.
At this point some Democrats need to splinter off with the simple litmus test of opposing the oligarchs.
This is why they fired the JAG lawyers at the Pentagon: there won’t be any legal expert opinions in the military to tell the soldiers the order is illegal.