• queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    Zionism intentionally promotes antisemitism to encourage Jewish immigration and frighten their own population into supporting militarism, this isn’t surprising at all. The Zionist Federation of Germany literally collaborated with Hitler himself.

    • DarkGamer@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      Antisemitism was a thing long before Zionism, or even Nazism got rolling, you have causality backwards.

      • ikanreed@mastodon.social
        10 months ago

        @DarkGamer There is a difference between promoting something and being the sole source of it. They used appropriate and clear language and you purposefully misunderstood them to make an asinine point.

        • DarkGamer@kbin.social
          10 months ago

          There is a difference between promoting something and being the sole source of it.

          Indeed, but I disagree with the premise.

          It’s arguable that Israel’s existence reduces global antisemitism, not promotes it, by giving Jews a strong global ally and place to retreat to should the spectre of pogroms rise again. Nations worldwide can no longer commit genocides against Jews without significant geopolitical consequences, unlike in the past.

          I believe Zionism is a result of global antisemitism, not a significant cause of it. Jews were persecuted worldwide, which caused Zionists to seek a homeland where they wouldn’t get regularly genocided. There’s only one group today whose hatred of Jews is fueled by Zionism, and frankly most non-Arabs don’t care much. Far more antisemitism existed in the past when there were no Zionists.

          • Zorque@kbin.social
            10 months ago

            It can be both a result of, and cause of anti-semitism in different ways. Anti-semitism is not monolithic, it can have multiple vectors in both cause and effect. Both in viewpoint and application.

            Considering the nationalistic streak the current Israeli government has, and their desire to “play the victim”, increased anti-semitism only increases their influence both in their local base and with the international community who would rally behind them in the face of anti-semitism (real or perceived).

            I don’t know that there’s any grand conspiracy to foment that anti-semitism from Israeli leaders, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there was. It’s clearly not the threat it was in the past, as you say. So utilizing it as a tool is not the existential threat it would have posed decades or even centuries ago.

    • DarkGamer@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      The Zionist Federation of Germany literally collaborated with Hitler himself.

      Reminds me of queer people who simp for Palestine, @queermunist:

      Same-sex sexual activity is prohibited in Gaza under the British Mandate Criminal Code Ordinance 1936. The relevant provision carries a maximum penalty of ten years’ imprisonment.

      In the State of Palestine, there is no specific, stand-alone civil rights legislation that protects LGBT people from discrimination or harassment. Some have reported that while hundreds of homosexual Palestinians are reported to have fled to Israel because of the hostility they face in Palestine, they are subject to house arrest, or deportation, by Israeli authorities on account of the in-applicability of the law of asylum to areas or nations in which Israel is in conflict. There have also been reports that Palestinian Authority police kept files on gay Palestinians and that Israeli intelligence blackmailed gay Palestinians into becoming informants. The Israeli LGBT organization The Aguda – Israel’s LGBT Task Force stated, in 2013, that around 2,000 Palestinian homosexuals live in Tel Aviv “at any one time.”
      In February 2016, it was reported that one of the leading commanders of the armed wing of Palestinian militant group Hamas, Mahmoud Ishtiwi, was executed under the charges that he engaged in homosexual activity and theft. Scholar Timea Spitka stated that in Gaza, coming out is a “death sentence” because police don’t act against queerphobic violence, domestic violence isn’t pursued, and civil society organizations, which protect women and children, are reported to be “vulnerable to attack.” Spika added, in a related article, that this vulnerability has “been exploited by Israel,” noting a connection between the Israeli occupation, lack of security and protection for women and non-heterosexual people, and lack of rule of law. In 2019, Haaretz interviewed four gay men and one gay woman living in Gaza, who recounted their experiences: one man recounted his rough treatment by Hamas members, while others said they feared being arrested, outed, then forced into heterosexual marriage by their families. All four said that social media was a “game changer” in meeting other LGBTQ individuals, but some feared catfishing by undercover Hamas or Israeli intelligence agents.
      In August 2019, the Palestinian Authority announced that LGBT groups were forbidden to meet in the West Bank on the grounds that they are “harmful to the higher values and ideals of Palestinian society”. This was in response to a planned conference in Nablus by Al-Qaws, a Palestinian LGBT group. Following backlash, the ban was later withdrawn.