Why is the wrong version always the one that is posted.
The (in my eyes) correct (and iirc original) version is:
Git commit
Git push
Get out*
*as someone pointed out (and I remember it as well, but thought I rembered it wrong and corrected it, shame on me in this context) the last point may be originally “git out”
I remember creating an alias for “git out” which worked like teamware or meecurial’s “out” (outgoing) command to show you what you would be pushing to a branch.
Why is the wrong version always the one that is posted.
The (in my eyes) correct (and iirc original) version is:
*as someone pointed out (and I remember it as well, but thought I rembered it wrong and corrected it, shame on me in this context) the last point may be originally “git out”
git out
is mentionedThat is so much better 👍
I remember creating an alias for “git out” which worked like teamware or meecurial’s “out” (outgoing) command to show you what you would be pushing to a branch.