What irks me the most is the spinelessness of a lot of mods. Shadow banning and banning without an explanation just striffling free speech without acountability. Freedom of expression should not be subject to the whims of individuals!

If this gets me banned than you are worse than spez

  • Nibodhika@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Not exactly free speech violations like OP is stating, since what happened is the same solution as here, i.e. create a new community and use that, so it’s not Reddit issue, but the specific mod of the specific community.

    In Reddit there were (possibly still are) two large Bitcoin communities, /r/bitcoin and /r/btc. One of them is extremely censored, and you will get banned for criticising a specific feature that was introduced in Bitcoin a while back. The other one is a lot more open to discussion and doesn’t ban people for criticising or approving that (or any other) change. You would see at least once a week someone coming to the newer subreddit because he was banned from the other one, for example I was banned for linking a GitHub page that was in the sidebar as a resource (because in the context of the discussion that page proved a mod wrong).

    I’m not saying this is common place, but it happens, and because the vast majority of people know about Bitcoin but don’t know it’s usually abbreviated btc they’re likely to find the first community. Again I’m not claiming this is a violation of free speech, not even arguing this is a bad thing (since I agree the solution is to create your own community with blackjack and hookers) I’m just pointing that mods banning people just because happens, so there is a grain of truth there.