Hypothetically, they could implement some internal api and open Reddit to the fediverse no? What would happen then? (I’m sure they won’t because they want the money… but I’m just speculating…)

  • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    To be honest, if Reddit federated I would stay as far away from that shit as I could, because their only goal in doing so would be to allow their users to create relationships with federated users so that those relationships could later be walled off and monetized. Same reason I won’t have anything to do with Threads.

    Outside of monetization, there is literally zero upside to Reddit federating anything.

    But even if there were, they’ve already pissed me off. Other people can create content for them, and freely partake of bot-filled subs, and be subjected to arbitrary mod and admin comment removals and bans, and be given no real working accessibility tools, and have their ability to block harassing Redditors jacked around with constantly, and have their karma fucked with for crypto, and have anger triggers tossed at them to get them to engage more, and have legit helpful mods (like r/canning) deposed and scabs installed because the overlords can’t control them, and dread the day they kill off old.reddit because the official portals are hot steaming catshit, and have pseudo-religious political HeGetsUs jeebus ads rubbed in their eyes between other ads that just look like posts, and also let Spez tell them daily that he loves them forever and won’t cum in their mouth.

    Not me. Reddit corporate can fuck themselves, and whatever plans they have, sideways with a rusty lawnmower blade. And for anyone who has a problem with this and thinks there’s anything even remotely redeemable about Reddit besides the good people who try to make something worthy out of the shit Reddit corporate ladles out, I don’t honestly give a fuck. Whatever you think is good about Reddit just means more for you (congratulations!) because I ain’t touching that rancid apeshit crypto-hyping cursed IPO corporate cesspool of sociopathy even from the relative safety of the fediverse.

    Yeah, I’m a little bitter. But I don’t think it shows. :D

    • Uranium3006@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I remember when reddit was good. today I deleted the bookmark on my bookmarks bar. I’m done with it, lemmy is my new home. I’ll tolerate slightly less content while people still jump ship

      • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I remember when reddit was good.

        So do I. But I think it’s because of that, having been able to participate in the best of it, that I wasn’t going to stay longer than I did. When you’re done, you’re done. I’m one person, but I’m worth more to myself (and often to others, apparently) than to be reduced to a monetizable user to be managed and shut down at whim. They can keep that shit. Even if it all turned around today (and it won’t, lol) I’m too used to being treated fairly again. So fuck 'em.

        For example, today I wrote a couple of big long posts here on Lemmy about the situation in Russia, Aleksandr Dugin, and Putin’s delusions of Russkiy Mir, all words that are in the automod of more than one major Reddit sub, just because someone politely asked and it was within the subject matter of the discussion. I would not have on Reddit, and had not done so for years. But I did today.

        It was so amazing to just . . . write. Freely. Whatever the hell I wanted to say. Knowing the whole time I wasn’t going to get banned or suspended or have my comment removed – or better yet, have my comment awarded and then removed, lol. And that’s before you get into all the aggrieved screeching and hollering from the shills and bots and employees of the Internet Research Agency that instantly works to disrupt and discredit any real conversation about those topics.

        So yeah, I love this place. To me, it’s even better than when Reddit was good. And unlike many of those still over there, I don’t just seek content, I make content. I’m only one person, but I brought my value with me. So did you: you posted a reply to me, thus making content of your own (as a casual human participant, not a bot or a troll or an astroturfer or a sockpuppet, etc). You’re already in the better place, IMO. And so am I.