This stood out to me:

The poll comes also as Republicans hold a slight partisan edge over Democrats, which shows that 45% of Americans are Republican or lean-Republican, while 42% are Democrat or lean-Democratic, per Gallup.

That’s a change from previous years, including in 2022, when an equal number of Americans said they consider themself a Republican or a Democrat.

Democrats held a partisan edge over Republicans in 2020, 2018 and 2016, per the average of Gallup party affiliation polls from those years.

    1 year ago

    Yup. Before the Trump cult, I never truly understood how Hitler could have come to power. Now I totally get it.

    Trump’s followers have stayed loyal to him through every deplorable moment: the pussy grabbing, mocking the disabled, the Muslim ban, kidnapping children at the border, collusion with Russia, extorting Ukraine, hush money to a porn star, stealing from charity, lying about an election, staging an insurrection, stealing classified documents, civil liability for rape … Not to mention lying about covid, and botching the covid response and killing hundreds of thousands who could have lived, all while utterly destroying the economy.