The US primaries and the general election are two different things. Voting uncommitted in the primary expresses support for the Palestinian plight and does not give Republicans any ground.

The uncommitted movement presents a safe and effective avenue for voters to voice dissatisfaction with President Biden’s policies, particularly with the Israel-Hamas conflict. By doing so in the primary, voters can signal discontent without risking a Republican victory in the general election. The purpose is to send a wake-up call to the Biden administration that it is failing to address issues and effectively engage with the party, vis a vis that Biden is enabling a genocide.

That being said, anyone who calls for an uncommitted or third-party vote in the general election i will personally kick in the gender neutral balls (in Minecraft).

    6 months ago

    Enough people doing that would have the predictable result of getting Trump elected,

    I agree with this and it’s what I’m afraid of. I totally support voting in the primary as you wish, even just to send a message (I support voting how you wish in all cases). But in this case using primary voting to send a dissatisfied message about the Democratic candidate has me worried it will instead send a wider message (or mass media will push this message) that the US populace feels Biden is unpopular compared to Trump.

    Which is absolutely not the case with the vast majority of people voting against Biden in the primary. But that kind of message (accidental or intentional) can do real harm to prevent a literal fascist takeover in November. This is the totality of my concern and if we weren’t facing down the potential end of democracy in the US, I’d give a lot less shits about potentially torpedoing Biden’s chances. And I feel a lot of the hate against Biden has galvanized right around the time the primary season started which seems convenient for Trump.

    • Snot
      6 months ago

      And I feel a lot of the hate against Biden has galvanized right around the time the primary season started which seems convenient for Trump.

      Look, Netanyahu is in the bag for Trump, and temps have been rising about US helping administer a fucking genocide since last October.

      Do you think that it’s a coincidence that the Netanyahu administration had warning (even from the US intelligence community!) that this attack would happen, and somehow missed it all, and the attack happened anyway?

      Because I fucking don’t. I know Netanyahu has dictatorial desires, much like Trump, and he personally would much prefer Trump in office.

      So maybe you can circle back around to understanding that us critiquing Biden about Gaza is because of right-wing-shit-fuckery. Biden didn’t have to hand weapons over to a Netanyahu government, he could have called out Netanyahu by name and said he wouldn’t work with a leader who is a serial liar and a genocidal maniac. Netanyahu in particular was extremely supportive of the War in Iraq in the early 2000s, and was instrumental in helping promote the idea that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction.

      Why is Biden taking this chucklefuck seriously to begin with? Why are you? Why aren’t you questioning the convenient timing of this and further questioning why the Democrats aren’t pointing that out themselves instead of doing like they did during the Iraq War and falling all over themselves to not be seen as Soft On Terrorism so they signed off on all kinds of dumb horrible shit.

      Because it certainly screams to me “handshake deal between Trump and Netanyahu to fuck Biden with his base by forcing US to ‘help’ Israel, knowing full well how badly that relationship is viewed by most US citizens now.” It’s Bidens fucking fault for god damned falling for it.

        6 months ago

        You can’t argue this without being called a conspiracy theorist who likely also believes that 9/11 was an inside job as well (or at least was permitted to occur by the CIA)

            6 months ago

            A conspiracy is an agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.

            Such things indisputably occur everyday