I wouldn’t dare defile Douglas Adam’s memory by not mentioning that you should keep a towel with you at all times, but my second contender is a surprisingly short three-parter:

  1. never lie.
  2. never tell the whole truth.
  3. never pass up a chance to use a real bathroom.
    • Wes4Humanity@lemm.ee
      2 months ago

      Anything you say WILL be used against you… It’s hidden right there in the Miranda Rights

  • stoy@lemmy.zip
    2 months ago

    “To be an adult, you need to know when it is apropriate to be childish”

    “Never paint the devil on the wall, unless he stands in the hallway, so make sure you have some paint at home”

    “Honesty lasts longest”

    The first advice here basically boils down to “remember to have fun in a responsible manner”, I like the original phrasing better as is more fun and also implies as shitload more knowledge.

    The second advice is a modified version of a Swedish saying, it boils down to, “don’t expect the worst, but if it happens, take notes and learn, oh and you should have a pen and notebook at home”. I like this as well as it again tells you to relax, but learn from mistakes and be prepared to learn from them.

    The third advice is just common sense, life just gets so much easier if you act and speak honestly, this obviously doesn’t mean to be brutaly honest or blatantly selfish as long as you are honest. But rather avoid situations that would require you to lie.


    I just thought about another peice of advice:

    “If you have nothing to hide, then you can’t be trusted”

    We all have secrets, some are just embarrasing, others can destroy lives, stating that you have nothing to hide is one of the worst ways to try and gain trust, since it means one of two things:

    • You are a liar, as previously stated everyone has things to hide, so you are just plain lying.

    • You won’t keep a secret, if asked you will tell others priveleged information given to you.

  • untorquer@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Learn to recognize when you’re responding defensively to a statement made by those around you.

    -There wrong about me, they're the problem
    - I'm fine i don't bed to listen to that
    - etc...

    Think about it for a few days, once you’re over the initial emotional reaction. Be critical of your own response and contemplate the motivation for the statement

    - is it out of care for you or manipulation
    - Is it honest or malicious? 
    - Are they expressing a need?

    That’s when you have the greatest opportunity to grow as a person and build deeper relationships. It’s also when you have an opportunity to break your mindset and get out of malicious ones.

  • kromem@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Being a Jack of all trades may mean being a master of none, but it’s still better than to be a master of one.

    • Jarix@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      This has led to Karens, chads, influencers, racists.

      So it isnt as wholesome as it is commonly used

        • Jarix@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          … And part of a Karen’s dna is getting upset when other people treat Karen’s like other people want to be treated. With respect and stuff

          Side note I hope my girlfriend, who’s name is Karen, is well. (we went to highschool together but never dated till we graduated)

          If the real Karen is out there I hope you have had a wonderful life! You were never a Karen when i knew you Karen!

    • Joshi@aussie.zone
      2 months ago

      Reminder me of this

      “What to do if you find yourself stuck with no hope of rescue: Consider yourself lucky that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn’t been good to you so far - which, given your present circumstances, seems more likely - consider yourself lucky that it won’t be troubling you much longer.” Douglas Adams