• Rimu@piefed.social
    5 months ago


    I think the answer is community. We have to be responsible to more than ourselves. We have to feel an obligation to more than our children. It can’t just be a selfish desire to hold on to what we currently have. You can maybe grip tightly onto your comfort in the short term, but the more we resist being part of the collective solution, the less likely that collective solution is to happen. In a sense, you’re echoing a bit of this bunker mentality where we have these megawealthy people who are buying up land in New Zealand and wherever else trying to save themselves. That seems like such a sad way to see the world. Like, do you want to live in a bunker for a year eating canned rations? Is that the life we want to build? Or do we all try to make sure we have a world where there’s enough for everybody, where no one takes too much and we share what we have. I’d rather share.