I believe capitalism is basically promoting narcissism at every level of society (especially among the rich). I can see this personally, western millenials are some of the most narcissistic people I have ever seen alongside ancaps, they can’t take L’s even though it’s absolutely warranted. It’s especially bad with parenting, when you rightfully tear someone to shreds for parenting mistakes they go fucking full Tumblr warrior and go ballistic on the critics even when most of them are shitting on them with good faith in mind.

Another example of this me, me, me, shit is entrep bullshit. It’s pretty clear entrepreneurship is just narcissism disguised as a way out of poverty.

  • amemorablename@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    Forgot to mention, people with NPD are in the same vicinity as psychopathy, with not feeling empathy or shame. That’s an important part of why it isn’t just another mental health disorder to treat, and why it’s such a serious designation, as compared to describing a person as a little vain. People who can’t feel empathy may still be able to intellectualize it, so it’s not to say they’re guaranteed to be ‘evil’ or something. And people who do feel empathy can still do horrific things. But it’s a pretty serious characteristic of the disorder.