• Leate_Wonceslace@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    25 days ago

    I was told that when I went to college I would realize that I’m not that smart. Instead I met a bunch of people who got depressed because they weren’t as good as I was. I tried to explain to them that I was a freak who was masking so hard that I collapsed from exhaustion whenever I got home, and they shouldn’t try to compare themselves to me because the part of my brain that does logic ate the part that reads faces and understands how talking works. I wanted them to understand that there was a lot that came naturally to them that I would never be able to do easily.

  • brbposting@sh.itjust.works
    25 days ago

    Thought I read something somewhere like:

    the most common thing in the world is unapplied intelligence

    Must be butchering it pretty badly if Google’s blank

    • BezzelBob@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      This is so true, the modern education system (at least here in America) was designed to create wage slaves. Raise your hand to talk, and take a piss, never teach them anything useful like taxes, laws, or banking, make them just smart enough to fill out paper work. And the sad part is that it worked

  • Flying Squid@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    I was put in GT classes in middle school because I went to a (shitty) private elementary school where every kid went on to GT. Somehow I struggled through GT until those classes weren’t offered anymore (sophomore year of high school) and I hated every minute of it and was really bad at what they wanted me to do.

    If I could do it over again, I would beg my parents not to put me in GT classes.

    • TheOakTree@lemm.ee
      24 days ago

      What does the GT stand for? I’m unfamiliar with the acronym, as it seems schools across the nation use different terms to describe the same thing.

    • MehBlah@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      I had a guy in my class. We shared a first name and middle name. If he was going to school today he would have had a IEP. My high school guidance counselor who also created the class schedules was in a feud with my parents about some trivial thing. She knew but didn’t care she swapped my almost by name doppelgangers schedules. Poor dude got stuck in advanced classes and they stuck me in the the regular classes. I didn’t say anything since I hated the advanced classes. I had straight A’s for the first time in my life. Unfortunately at around five weeks in they decided to swap us since my parents found out and of course the teachers knew it was a ‘mistake’. I told them I wanted to stay in the regular classes but of course that simply wasn’t possible. I could have had a high grade point in high school but since they insisted I had to be in the advanced classes where maintained a B to C grade in everything except computer science and physics. I know why I sucked in all the other classes today but back then I had that ‘keen awareness of my own deficiencies’. My parents were so busy having their childish feuds that they refused to get me help for my problems.

      I wonder how many of those who would fall in the blue area represented here have some form of Executive Dysfunction or as in my case additional issues?

    • psud@aussie.zone
      21 days ago

      When I was a primary school kid we didn’t have gifted and talented classes. Kids who were ahead of the class could continue doing more and more advanced maths, move onto the next year’s work, though in 6th grade the problems only went up to advanced 6th grade. I don’t know what you would do if you were smart but unsatisfied with maths, I guess you’d be disruptive.

  • ClockNimble@lemmy.world
    24 days ago

    Don’t worry everyone. Blue is exactly the same as green, but colored differently. As someone in the blue, friends with green.

    • ouRKaoS@lemmy.today
      25 days ago

      “Gifted” in school basically just means “above average” and as we all know…

      Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

      –George Carlin

  • shneancy@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    i think blue should be either extended or completely replace green, “excellence” is not given just because you’re smart

    • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
      24 days ago

      You don’t understand how much green sucks…

      An intellectual disability is 2 standard deviations from the mean (that’s 30 points).

      For someone that’s 100, about 2% of humans are 30 points lower than them.

      If you’re at the tail of the green?

      Congrats, about 84% of the world’s population is at least 30 points below you. For bonus points, you won’t even know your IQ because it’s like measuring a mile with a foot long ruler. You can get a guesseatimate, but to really measure it just isn’t worth it. A Wechsler would already take 4+ hours to get that high of a score.

      It’s basically Idiocracy. And just like the movie, a lot of the time when you try to explain stuff that sounds basic “don’t use Gatorade on plants” you only get insults and get told plants crave electrolytes.

      Like, people say people in green like drugs because of “novelty seeking behavior”…

      It’s not that, it’s because living in Idiocracy fucking sucks, and there are a couple things that can be done to level the playing field, and most of them are pretty enjoyable too.

      And it’s not even rare. A 145+ IQ is about 1 in 1200 people, that’s about as frequent as people who are trans.

      • shneancy@lemmy.world
        24 days ago

        oh i’m painfully aware of how much it sucks to be in the green, friend :| i am not a fan, so often i wish i was just fucking stupid. Grass greener, haha, on the other side and all, but fuck man, those people look so happy, or at least not outwardly miserable. I wish i could feel the same level of joy as a himbo/bimbo “discovering” that an essential oil or perhaps a pretty rock can cure them of everything and curse their enemies at the same time!

        The drug thing is a “green” thing huh? lmao good to know. It is funny how drunk/high/tripping me is roughly the same as a sober average person, bit less agile physically of course but about as fast at thinking, kind of baffling how, unless i’m absolutely smashed, people don’t even realise that i’m under the influence of something

        and yeah, living in this self destructive and hateful world is a nightmare. I can see so many ways in which things could get better for everybody, and yet they never do, and shit keeps getting worse. Cruelty seems to be the point. I could go on for a hot while about the state of the world and how being “diagnosed as smart” (how i call it) fucking sucks on so many levels, but i’d rather not make my day any worse, my mental health has been making sweet love to the bottom of the mariana trench lately, it seems.

        Though the worst thing about being diagnosed as smart is either 1) congratulations! your fast brain can think of 20 things to be anxious about in 5s flat at any time of day! no you can’t control it fuck you or 2) the frustration you feel when something doesn’t make sense, in such a way that the only explanation seems to be that whoever was making the decisions was either plain dumb or intentionally an asshole, which isn’t a satisfying explanation at all