• iAvicenna@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The approach is not sound when all the other factors are considered. If AI continues along this approach it is likely that big AI companies will need to usurp next possible tech breakthroughs like quantum computing and fusion energy to be able to keep growing and produce more profit instead of these techs being used for better purposes (cheaper and cleaner household energy, scientific advances etc). All things considered excelling at image analysis, creative writing and digital arts wont be worth all the damage its going to cause.

    • Ignotum@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Usurp? They won’t be the ones to develop quantum computers, nor will they be developing fusion, if those technologies become available they might start using them but that won’t somehow mean it won’t be available for other uses.

      And seeing as they make money from “renting out” the models, they can easily be “used for better purposes”

      ChatGPT is currently free to use for anyone, this isn’t some technology they’re hoarding and keeping for themselves

      • iAvicenna@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        By usurp I mean fill out all the available capacity for their own use (along with other tech giants who will be running the same moon race), assuming by that time they will be the largest tech giants of the time and have the financial means to do so.

        Don’t get me wrong the things that chatgpt can do are amazing. Even if hallucinates or cant really reason logically, it is still beyond what I would have expected. But the time I mentioned above comes, people wint be given a choice between AI or cheaper energy/better health care. All that technological advancements will be bought to full capacity by AI companies and AI will be shoved down people’s throats.

        And yes chatgpt is free but it is only a business decision not a good of the humanity. free chatgpt helps testing and generating popularity which in turn brings investment. I am not saying anything negative (or positive) about their business plan but dont think for a second that they will have any ethical concerns about leeching upcoming technological innovations for the sake of generating profit. And this is just one company. There will be others too, Amazon, Google, Microsoft etc etc. They will all aggressively try to own as much as possible of these techs as possible leaving only scraps for other uses (therefore making it very expensive to utilise basically).

        • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
          3 months ago

          It’s ai and cheaper healthcare or no ai and spiraling costs to healthcare - especially with falling birthrate putting a burden on the system.

          AI healthcare tools are already making it easier to provide healthcare, I’m in the uk so it’s different math who benefits but tools for early detection of tumors not only cuts costs but increases survivability too, and its only one of many similar tech already in use.

          Akinator style triage could save huge sums and many lives, especially in underserved areas - as could rapid first aid advice, we have a service for non-emergency medical advice, they basically tell you if you need to go to a&e, the doctor, or wait it out - it’s helped allocate resources and save lives in cases where people would have waited out something that needs urgent care. Having your phone able to respond to ‘my arm feels funny’ by asking a series of questions that determines the medically correct response could be a real life saver ‘alexia I’ve fallen and can’t get up’ has already save people’s elderly parents lives ‘clippy why is there blood in my poop’ or ‘Hey Google, does this mole look weird’ will save even more.

          Medical admin is a huge overhead, having a 24/7 running infinite instances of medically trained clerical staff would be a game changer - being able to call and say ‘this is the new situation’ and get appointments changed or processes started would be huge.

          Further down the line we’re looking at being able to get basic tests done without needing a trained doctor or nurse to do it, decreasing their workload will allow them to provide better care where it’s needed - a machine able to take blood and run tests on it then update the GP with results as soon as they’re done would cut costs and wasted time - especially if the system is trained with various sensors to perform healthchecks of the patient while taking blood, it’s a complex problem to spot things out of the ordinary for a patient but one ai could be much better at than humans, especially rover worked humans.

          As for them owning everything that can only happen if the anti ai people continue to support stronger copyright protections against training, if we agreed that training ai is a common good and information should be fair use over copyright then any government, NGO, charity, or open source crazy could train their own - It’s like electricity, Edison made huge progress and cornered the market but once the principles are understood anyone can use them so as tech increased it became increasingly easy for anyone to fabricate a thermopile or turbine so there isn’t a monopoly on electricity, there are companies who have local monopolies by cornering markets but anyone can make an off grid system with cheap bits from eBay.

          • iAvicenna@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            For instance, I would be completely fine with this if they said “We will train it on a very large database of articles and finding relevant scientific information will be easier than before”. But no they have to hype it up with nonsense expectations so they can generate short term profits for their fucking shareholders. This will either come at the cost of the next AI winter or senseless allocation of major resources to a model of AI that is not sustainable in the long run.

        • Ignotum@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Not sure i’m fully understanding your point, are you saying that the large AI companies will create AIs that will create technologies beyond what everyone else is capable of, thus outcompeting everyone, effectively monopolizing every market and from there basically become the umbrella corporation?

          I would be very impressed if anyone managed to make an AI capable of innovation to that degree, but sure, in that case we would have to fall back on something like government oversight and regulations to keep the companies in check i suppose

          • iAvicenna@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            No, other people will generate technologies like quantum computing, fusion energy. Big AI companies will try to own (by buying them out) as much of these as possible because the current model of AI they are using requires these techs to be able to deliver anything significantly better than what they have now. So these tech advancements will basically be owned by AI companies leaving very little room for other uses.

            For these AI companies trying to go toward general AI is risky, as you said above it is not even well defined. On the other hand scaling up their models massively is a well defined goal which however requires major compute and energy innovations like those mentioned above. If these ever happen during like the next ten years or so big tech involved in AI will jump on these and buy as much of it as possible for themselves. And the rest will be mostly bought by governments for military and security applications leaving very little for other public betterment uses.

            • Rekorse@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              3 months ago

              General AI is a good goal for them because its poorly defined not in spite of it.

              Grifts usually do have vague and shifting goal lines. See star citizen and the parallels between its supporters/detractors vs the same groups with AI: essentially if you personally enjoy/benefit from the system, you will overlook the negatives.

              People are a selfish bunch and once they get a fancy new tool and receive praise for it, they will resist anyone telling them otherwise so they can keep their new tool, and the status they think it gives them (i.e. expert programmer, person who writes elegant emails, person who can create moving art, etc.)

              AI is a magic trick to me, everyone thinks they see one thing, but really if you showed them how it works they would say, “well that’s not real magic after all, is it?”

              • Ignotum@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Idiots thinking a new thing is magic that will solve all the worlds problems doesn’t mean the thing doesn’t have merit. Someone calling themselves an exper carpenter because they have a nailgun doesn’t make nailguns any less useful.

                If you see a person doing a data entry job, do you walk over to them, crack their head open and say “aww man, it’s not magic, it’s just a blob of fat capable of reading and understanding a document, and to then plot the values into a spreadsheet”?

                It’s not magic, it’s not a super intelligence that will solve everything, it’s the first tool we’ve been able to make that can be told what to do in human language, and able to then perform tasks with a degree of intelligence and critical thinking, something that normally would require either a human or potentially years of development to automate programmatically. That alone makes it very useful

            • Ignotum@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              What if i say big fusion companies will take over the ai market since they have the energy to train better models, seems exactly as likely.

              Remember when GPUs stopped being available because openAI bought nvidia and AMD and took all the gpus for themselves?
              No? Weird, since gpus are needed for them to be able to deliver anything significantly better than what we have now 🤔

      • VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
        3 months ago

        So.many people have conspiracy theories about how chat gpt is stealing things and whatever, people in this threat crowing that it’s immoral if they teach it with paywalled journal articles - though I bet I can guess who their favorite reddit founder is…

        I use gpt to help coding my open source project and it’s fantastic, everyone else I know that contributes to floss is doing the same - it’s not magic but for a lot of tasks it can cut 90% of the time out especially prototyping and testing. I’ve been able to add more and better functionality thaks to a free service, I think that’s a great thing.

        What I’m really looking forward to is CAD getting generative tools, refining designs into their most efficient forms and calculating strengths would be fantastic for the ecosystem of freely shared designs, text2printable would be fantastic ‘design a bit to fix this problem’ could shift a huge amount of production back to local small industry or bring it into the home.

        The positive possibilities of people having access to these technologies is huge, all the groups that currently can’t compete with the big corporations suddenly have a huge wall pulled down for them - being able to make custom software tools for niche tasks is fantastic for small charities or community groups, small industry, eco projects, etc.

        It’ll take time for people to learn how to use the tools effectively just like when computers were new but as it becomes more widely understood I think we’ll see a lot of positive innovation which it enables.

        • Rekorse@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          3 months ago

          Your position is: “I like AI because it makes my job/hobbies easier. Also my coworkers do the same, because they are in almost the same position as me. I understand why people don’t like AI, they must just be reading fake-news about it and believing it. Why can’t they see that AI is a benefit for society?”

          Not once did you mention any of the reasons people are opposed to AI, just that you hope one day they will get over it and learn how to use the tools to bring down big business.

          I like how you imply that only programmers at large corporations know how to build things. If they would just use the AI tools I bet you could hire in a bunch more developers for cheap to boost productivity!

          Here’s a clue: no one gives a shit about making it slightly easier to code, make pictures, or write emails. The costs for maintaining the system and developing it are absurd when we have actual problems affecting people right now. This is all a waste of time, and is Americas latest scam. Before that was crypto currency, medical investment fraud, and a hundred other get rich quick/save the world schemes designed to do one thing: generate profit for a small group of people so they can ride off into the sunset, their American dream complete.