It’s no surprise that geeks, nerds, and gamers have a pipeline that leads them to the far right. I want to know if the reverse is true because I’m an angry gamer who ended up here on the left.

    18 days ago

    I’m not sure about the angry part (I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be angry about in this context), but I’m a lifelong gamer, and I’m here. The circles I inhabit tend to be fairly progressive, usually pretty liberal, but occasionally actually leftist. I don’t usually feel unsafe hoisting the red flag in my groups, so perhaps I am part of a pipeline to the left.

    I don’t do twitch or youtubers, so I haven’t really noticed much of a pipeline to the right. But I do occasionally see nonsense about random games being “woke” for insane reasons, so I am vaguely aware of their existence. It’s just not a crowd I associate with.